RABBITICOL alright. Preciate the help

- May 1, 2022
- Joined Feb 16, 2020
RABBITICOL It was on multiple books. Some of them ever chapter I unlocked got locked which were in the hundreds
- In Privileges
MotivatedSloth ok thanks. That explains why. Still su**s though
CrispyCritter I understand what you're saying but I read the dragon king's son-in-law And unlock all chapters. When I checked from where I started there were a bunch of chapters that were unlocked. But when I moved on up to about 20 chapter or 30 chapters later there were about 20 chapters that were locked and then after that the rest were unlocked But I know that those chapters were unlocked when I was reading them.
- In Privileges
Man the prices of privileges are are expensive and the worst part is that once it expires you're fued cause you have to either buy it again or wait even longer than everyone else to continue reading.
. It's not even consistent with price and the worst part is that some stories have 25 chapter privileges that's fuing bullsh**. The stories are already expensive to read. Why the hell are they adding on to that?
CrispyCritter I paid for them. My wallet can say that for a fact. But I can't read them anymore without unlocking them again
can somebody answer this for me???
Why is it that chapters for books that I have paid a stupid amount of money to unlock, locked when when I try to reread the story? The stories are already expensive, is it a bug?Rocketduh thanks lol
FunnyBuns I did check the release rate when I first started reading. But it was also at over 400 chapters so I didn't think much of it. Even then I still doesn't match the release time that it says
scarlett1414 thanks for the info
what happened to this story? The updates have been slowing down almost to the point of non-existence lol
Tofu thank you for the reply. I never saw that notice unfortunately. My regards to the family
he seem to have stopped updating and people have been putting the 'RIP' icon up but I'm not sure if it was a stupid prank so I figured I would ask