Clowniac I agree with what you're saying but calling my tastes high-brow is a bit of an overstatement, I understand there are different genres and reading preferences and I understand inexperienced authors are on this site.
What I can't comprehend is why people praise these novels as works of a literature God (exaggerating here) when they're porn with a plot at the most, I don't have a problem with these types of novels but I don't want to have to wade through gallons of this type of writing while looking for a few amazing novels that aren't full of smut to the point that they should have an age restriction because every couple of chapters has a sex scene. You can't really call people that don't like this stuff high-brow because they actually want to find something to read with substance that actually fits within the genres they want to read (and I'm mainly talking about romance because I'm pretty sure that genre has been ruined on this site by these types of novels).