- Edited
Smut in novels and harems rarely work. The amount of rubbish on this site like most of the top novels, and about 70-80% of the novels on here make me question my existence and the existence of everyone who uses this site because surely it's impossible to literally think with your reproductive organ. Apparently this is a talent that most people on this site have or they just have a couple of brain cells, just enough to spam reviews with exp, who they want in a harem, type a bunch of worthless garbage which can in no way be called a review, spam 1 or 5 star reviews... etc. etc.
The novels themselves are numerous but lack almost any quality, I was fine with almost every novel I read online until I came across this site; it has some really good ideas but my god are they ruined by the addition of "romance" and I use the quotation marks because that ain't romance, that is the sexual desires and fantasies of readers and "authors" alike. If it was romance, a pairing or even a polygamous relationship which was done well then the novels would be amazing.
Those are my thoughts, feel free to hate, oppose or even argue in a civil fashion but they ain't going to chance about my opinion of this site.