Sollkiri I have no idea what are u talking about.. :/ I’m like 900 chapters into the story and so far, Klein has been nothing but a good guy.

    Well my novel follows the stories of three villains who were defeated by the hero and got isekaid before they could die.
    They aren't good and evil
    They are anarchists
    They believe in a cause and have no bottom line. Of course when there is a better option they won't choose an 'evil' one just cause they are villains
    One is forced to be a hero another the next the demon lord, the third well he just does his own thing, no strings attached.
    They might not exactly be ruthless as it is supposed to be a villain to hero story However their past is pretty colourful and fits right to your needs they have sinned and have hands stained in blood.

    Here is the link if you are interested

    Return Of The Anarchists

    You can check it out and leave a review too if you have time

      Sythcake he isn't a good or bad guy
      He just does his thing and he gets a bit more darker. Its subtle but there.
      And dosent go about killing people for power or support those that do.
      It is not #1 story for nothing

        I see... Quite a shame it turned out that way. My time has been wasted reading two hundred chapters of it hoping he'll change somehow, and your insight...
        Has saved me from wasting my time reading hundreds more in a false hope of futility. For that I shall thank you for it.

        As for another, I suppose this
        I've barely read it so my comprehension of it is lacking, it's about a prospective sith actually trying to be a sith instead of ditching sith hood for becoming a jedi or heaven forbid, those edgy grey jedi that never fails to shove their morality erection down everyone's throat and have them enjoy it. Suffice to say, as far as a protagonist go he's quite alright so far. Keep in mind that I meant that as a person who've only read 2 chapters of it.

        ThePotatoKing He constantly thinks about helping others but often doesn’t act on it because he knows that not much can be changed with his partly powers... Klein is a true blood good guy but is just being pragmatic with his choices.. There is absolutely nothing dark about his character.

          you have a point but he does become a lot colder after chapter 900
          with all the pupeteering and all
          its really subtle but is there.

            8 days later

            Heys guys!, after reading all your replies I really can't help myself but see you as some kind of evil cult. 😅
            Anyways I also prefer evil MCs because other MCs always tend to be morons.
            Can someone tell me what he thinks of Lith from supreme magus. Can he qualify to be evil ? 🤔

            Heys guys!, after reading all your replies I really can't help myself but see you as some kind of evil cult. 😅
            Anyways I also prefer evil MCs because other MCs always tend to be morons.
            Can someone tell me what he thinks of Lith from supreme magus. Can he qualify to be evil ? 🤔

              Ahh yes, i do so fondly recall of the time I've wasted reading hundreds chapters of that.
              I will be brief with this one. No.

              I assume maybe you're lured at the start because he looks semi ruthless or even a little bit promising, maybe? But I assure you it will be just that, a promise. The protagonist fell in love with his sister and now it all have devolved into a headache inducing mess since then. He's a normal protagonist in short. Nothing special, it's just your usual run of the mill, bland and uninspired protagonist fighting against evil.

              With that being said of course you're still free to read it. But what's that i hear? That's right, it's the sound of a novel going premium.

              Most of its chapters has been locked behind a paywall, so I wish you the best of luck if you still persist on reading it.

              P.S. I noticed at the beginning i stated that this will be brief, and as it turns out, i was wrong. I blame the salt for being too overwhelming.

              You flatter me truly, it does however felt quite nice to be acknowledged, and so, i feel that another recommendation is in order.

              A tale of a small little dungeon doing a small little takeover over a city with plenty of death and destruction. The ending is a bit meh though, or maybe that's just my bloodlust talking? Either way there's rumors that book two about this small little dungeon will be coming out soon.

              Wow seppuku that some serious hate of badly written characters and plot. Maybe you should just stop reading and save your gut some serious pain and distress.;-) I am amused by the dramatic phrasing. I admit you have a very logical and sound argument. But sadly when are the stories written realistically. I have recently foudnthis website and was surprise with the idea of cultivation. I know, newby on this eastern fantasy idea (and transmigration what the heck?! but it is everywhere I see but a whole other topic so back on point) yeah sit and meditate and gather energy eat some herbs and then become powerful enough to destroy my enemy. I go to the gym to cultivate my strength and still cant compare to a mans upper body strength no matter what I do. Mother nature you played a little trick on us ladies, but hey if I could cultivate I could kick some serious well you get the idea, but it is not realistic.

              I agree if I had myself a reverse harem Id have so much headache I'd have no time to manage the basic matters of maintaining my household and life much less conquer the world. Your comment on shallow character and plot is well placed. IF a author writes to pop culture I feel there is that tendency with all types of stories and media.

                storygirl erm, i am assuming this is a response to a post on this thread? If so, might you enlighten us as to which it is. My overly self defensive mind need to know if it were me that you refer to so to construct a mandatory response in order to defend my stand.

                  Daoist502905 bruh it isn't an attack on anyone here, it's just a clarification of an agreement, not a subtly implied declaration of war. Get some sleep, and eat a snicker maybe. You're pointlessly agressive when you're hungry

                    my_pen_is_there o shid you rite. Now that I've re-readen it, turns out the negativity of that post is directed entirely in the right way. Oh well, i still stand by my sentence in case anyone is interested in a debate. And as such i won't bother deleting my post above, farewell for now.

                      8 days later
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