• Qidian Official
  • 【Important Announcement】Monthly Elite subscriptions adjustment

Just realized, the ss got expired so quickly day by day.

    DogeMoon maybe when there are like 40 million downloads? or there are at least 5 million people willing to buy subscription? because if they do it now, they can only put in a price of a $100 monthly if they want to retain their usual sales.

      Reinesse not if they remove fast passes, effectively forcing people into buying the subscription, that they could offer for ~ 5,99 + another sub to unlock privilege chapters of one novel.
      I'm certain that a lot of people would buy it if they would remove fast passes. And it would be fair for everyone, paying users wouldn't have to pay exorbitant prices to make up for the freeloaders.

        The big problem with cost is the random quality on site. On one hand authors of good stories and consistent translations should indeed be rewarded for their work, but what about the flakefests? The ones putting out babelfish translator chapters, the ones who go silent for weeks and so forth.

        Everyone defending qidians gouging is putting it in terms of one product that equals another, just different taste, but the root of the problem isn't apples and pears to use the fruit vendor analogy.

        Rather it's the vendor selling every peice of fruit in his cart for a high premium despite more than half the cart being wormy, rotted or infested. Sure there lots of quality samples but you have to root through a literal dumpsters worth of trash to find this lucky pristine fruit.

        Now yes, no one is forcing you to buy from the vendor, you could go to the farmers of quality fruit directly in some cases, in others you can follow less legal means and try getting the good fruit from the shady af vendor down the alley but the risk of getting busted or some viral infection is higher. But in some cases this fruit vendor is the only supplier of apples and pears.

        Sure you can change tastes to oranges and get it from the cheaper vendor, but you want an apple or a pear. Hard to make apple pie with oranges. So naturally consumers try to rally the vendor to lower prices, or the very least continue the old free samples practice he use to give out to tempt you to spend.

        Now to move away from the analogy, yes before a book goes premium you have a sampler set, x chapters before you buy, but after that you can no longer as easily check quality, you pay and you might get continued good quality... in other cases the author slacks off and qidian does nothing to police them.

        It'd be a different tale if qidian/WN policed premium books consistently, or had a viable reporting method where irate buyers could report that an author/translator is in essence ripping off their following usually as soon as they start getting money. But I've failed to see it, chances are such a report function exists but its tucked away so all most see is toxic chapter comments, exp reviews or nasty posts here in the forum and don't bother beyond these mediums to look for the well hidden system to deal with issues.

        Khana that still won't work. we can just hope and wait for january since i feel like there's gonna be some changes and let it stabilize by february.

          10 days later

          months of last reply and login. here i am still hope there will unlimited membership monthly. or it already here?

            months of last reply and login. here i am still hope there will unlimited membership monthly. or it already here?

              months of last reply and login. here i am still hope there will unlimited membership monthly. or it already here?

                5 months later

                imtheonlyone I am assuming that it is gone forever. The administrators of the site are going purely for profit at this point, so don't expect something that actually benefits the reader in anyway.

                17 days later

                Been a long time since I used this app, soo here is a bump.

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