
  • Feb 24, 2021
  • Joined May 11, 2018
  • yaoyueyi Oh never-mind, thought you told me to remove the tag from the post—by you already did it. My bad.

  • I'm dissing Webnovel itself. Why in the heck did it decide to term my Fantasy book as 'Fantasy Romance'? I did not add a tag for romance, I have no plans to include romance in the story. Is it because the main character is female? Does that automatically constitute romance in their eyes? If so, god that's stupid. I just like writing female main characters because I rarely see good ones in online novels. Not once should that auto-translate to wishing to write romance.

    Not to look down on Romance, however, but now when people see my book they'll likely go "Wow, it's just some romance fluff." And move right along.

    The book is here, and you can check the genre it's set as yourself: https://www.webnovel.com/book/17072006206492305/Rose-Against-The-Heavens

    FIX IT - They need to not oversimplify genres so much and, even if they do so, atleast allow the author to choose the correct one. Female-Lead != Romance.

    • enew

      I’ve checked, they last for a week each. You can also check the date they expire by typing the ‘fast pass’ thing in the profile section of the app.

      • enew

        I’m pretty sure that’s a feature, not a bug. I don’t know how long each lasts, a day? A week? But I believe they are meant to decrease if you don’t use them fast enough.

        Pro Tip: Find a finished story you really like and keep unlocking chapters in that when you don’t need the remaining fast passes to read the stories you’re currently up to.

        • Acutelittletrap

          It’s great at setting the situation, characterizing the individual, family situation, and world technology level all in two paragraphs. That’s what I think about it.

        • Kronoos

          Oh I love that idea. It also works well with the sheer magnitude of Cultivation light novels on here, might as well just slap it and make the ‘ascensions’ a sort of progress through the ‘realms’. Yup, it would also be good if it gave a reward of coins for reaching the maximum level and ascending—that seems like a good way to earn them aside from just inviting friends. Though I wonder how much the coins should be then, seeing as, with the system, it could still take months to reach higher levels so there would have to be a pretty good reward to effort ratio. I personally think anywhere between 50 to 100 coins could be good.

          As for the beta-app idea, that seems like it could work, though I thought Webnovel already had a feature/app similar to that? No clue.

          • Yuyumamoru

            I would say the system should be implemented from this point forward, previous comments/reviews should not be counted.

            As for the issue with the amount of comments that receive likes. I’m not telling them to get rid of the daily missions all together, I’m just curious if this can be implemented alongside it. As a matter of fact, gaining extra exp past a certain point becomes useless after you reach lvl 5 anyway, at that point it becomes a thing to show off with—which is okay. And it takes thousands of exp as well.

            Furthermore, I believe comments that earn a lot of likes, and thus a lot of exp, deserve it. There’s nothing wrong about that in my view. I find it hard to see how it could be abused. What will they do? Create 50 accounts and like their own comments each day to get 50 exp a day? I might as well just give it to them for that dedication. Though, jokes aside, I don’t know how automated bots could factor here. The limit on the amount of exp a certain comment or review can generate might be worthwhile. Adding a maximum daily limit though, seems counter to the point of the system and dissuading.

            • @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL

              Simple really: It would be a neat feature to create a system where the amount of likes you receive on a comment, review, or whatever else can be transformed into Exp for your account. Not only would it remove the need to “farm exp” and type “exp” as chapter comments, it’ll also naturally increase user interaction instead of the simple daily missions.

              A better streamlined experience, I think.

              • Cobyboy

                Well, this is a bummer, I use those symbols within my story to highlight skills and magic. It wouldn't be the same without them.

                Anyway, thanks for your reply, hopefully, they could maybe fix this bug.

              • Anyone else having their word count incorrectly stated? In my novel, I've already broken past 50,000 word count and should have already received the author's badge for that particular achievement. Yet, It still says my total word count is amidst the realm of 10,000.

                This also happens when writing the chapters in Inkstone, where I currently have a chapter with about 6,300 words waiting to be published on Monday. Yet, Inkstone tells me it's only about 669 words long.

                So, am I the only one with this issue? And if not, will webnovel.com fix it already?

                • Is it possible to reorder chapters on here? I tried, but it seems impossible or I’m simply doing it wrong.

                  • Mute

                    Yup, looks like spam to me. I google translated the page, and it's nothing but repeats.

                    • LateNightRaf21

                      I usually listen to whatever 'anime' music I like at that point.

                      Like This:




                      And This:

                      • LaurenszoMLG

                        Based on 'extensive' research, as I have a bit of the same problem, I have come to the conclusion that it is not possible, currently.

                        • Theoz

                          Answer to First Question: A way too overpowered villian/anti-hero for his/her own good.

                          Answer to Second Question: Nah, atleast, not me.

                          • RoughHero76

                            Your Problem: You wrote your content in the wrong spot. Where you were currently writing is nothing more than the 'Title' box.

                            Solution: If you click under that, you may get to the 'Chapter' box where you can actually type your story into with no worries.

                            ~LOtsChrono out.

                            • In HELP


                              Well, first, there is currently no way to write in the app version of WebNovel. However, by clicking the 'create' button atop the page of the website version, you can indeed start writing.

                              Web Novel Novel Ask