Female MC's are invading are top 20
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Madevils What in the bloody f?
I never mentioned rape at all in this thread, whether it's in male lead novel or female lead novel? Please go ahead and quote me, because I went through my posts here and not once did I find a single mention of rape?!
And what exactly is my view about male or female lead? You seem to be confused. I do NOT care about male or female leads. I'm just pissed off by a bunch of misogynistic dudes running around claiming that male lead novels will disappear, the site is being invaded, that we should drive female readers out of the site just because a few female lead novels made it to the top rankings. I am saying that we should have BOTH male and female lead stories, not go around screaming about how your fragile male ego gets threatened when you start seeing female lead novels appear in the top rankings that were previously dominated by male lead novels.
I have talked in other threads about how I absolutely ABHOR rape and CEO novels, how it made me sick, and why that is one of the reasons why I will never touch those CEO novels with a ten foot pole, and you come here claiming that I only pick and attack rape subject at male lead novels while I adore rape in female lead novels. But I have never said anything about rape in male lead novels before. You, my friend, are a blatant liar.
Stop lying and stop putting words in my mouth. And it makes me laugh when you accuse me of thinking I'm right and everyone else is wrong, especially when you are the one lying and putting words in my mouth.
Madevils Stop slandering, Mr. Liar. Go ahead and explain or quote where I said I adored rape in CEO or female lead novels. Go and quote me on attacking rape only in male lead novels.
Because I did not.
And I never forced anyone to accept my view about male or female lead BECAUSE I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE GENDERS OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS. I am criticizing these guys for LYING about how male lead novels are disappearing just because a bunch of female lead novels appear in top rankings. THAT'S ALL. So there you have it, you LIED AGAIN.
If you're going to keep lying, I'm just gonna block you and ignore you from now on.
No, I was trying to be nice, by letting you go back up there and fix whatever the fuck you just wrote. But ya know what, since you're too stupid to understand when someone is being charitable I'm just gonna respond to the best of my ability because... your English is not very clear.
I am not 'sick' at differing opinions. I am sick of idiots with shit English trying to argue when they cant even under-fucking-stand what I'm saying. And then, when I ask for them to go back and actually edit the garbage they wrote, they assume they (you) won. How are we supposed to have a conversation if I literally have to read what you wrote three or four times? And I'm still confused after?
But fuck you; you screeching banshee.
This is my problem because I use this website. I like how things are, and there is no real need for... whatever it is you're advocating for. Do you even know anymore, or are you just antagonistic at heart? Be honest.
I never twisted your words. The words you use are just that confusing. It's gobbledygook. Its scrambled eggs for the eyes. It's a mish-mash of words that, in the end, don't mean anything. You're mad that the plots are bad and unhealthy. Damn dude, guess you could just put the book down. You don't like that the characters suck? Damn dude, guess you could just put the book down.
Webnovel is trying to make money. If that garbage is what's popular, they're going to promote it to make some money. If the quality is that low, hopefully, a new wave of authors write something that's less shit. But crying, and just crying, does nothing.
If you don't care who's at the top, then why are you here? In this thread? Right now?
If you know that whining about who's at the top won't change anything, then why are you here, in this thread, right now?
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Lilliny To be fair, I don't think Madevils is a native speaker. He couldn't even understand a word of my post and completely bungled the meaning. Not once did I mention rape, and he went off attacking me for adoring rape in CEO novels...even though I declared how much I hate and condemned that in other threads (Yue Yi can back me up here).
Also, he completely misunderstood my reply to Ancient Devil as attacking male lead novels when all I did was point out that they are still being published, which was completely opposite of his claim that "no translator will pick up any novels except romance ones." Yeah, clearly not a native speaker, or someone whose English is not exactly good.
You know what's the best thing?
Madevils You are clearly the one that over reacting, you just don't admint itu dont'cha cause on your mind you are the RIGHT one and the other is WRONG.
And I'm still waiting for him to provide the quotes that I said what he claimed I said. Funny he fell completely silent after that. Probably because he couldn't find any quotes of me actually saying that at all. But of course, he's not going to admit that he's wrong, and because he'll look like a complete fool if he insists that he's still right, he decides to keep quiet for now. And wisely so. We'll see if he does show up with an apology admitting that he was wrong, or if he proves to be a hypocrite of the highest order. Or neither.
"I'm just pissed off by a bunch of misogynistic dudes running around claiming that male lead novels will disappear"
Ok then, On the beginning when you start calling the other at male female novel thing, wich i replied about addresing most female novel with the "r" thing.
Then the problem start in the last paragfaph right?, while i assume you to not ok with male lead "r" and i assume that its ok for you while in female lead thing(since you keep saying all the mysoginist thing and try to tell how other man is narrow minded is, i cant help but assume). So i who bring the"r"thing. I not shove it to you nor lie about it, basicly i try to ask "so u are ok with only devending 1 side(female mc with most "r" novel) while bashing the othe male (male MC)?, Then that meaning you okay while "r" hapen on the female lead, but not on the male lead one?"
Ok, then i am not native speaker, not like you all who born and learn English since begining.
if thats make you feel more smarter and better than me then ok, i accept it.
Try to kick me down? Ok alright, if thats make you feel better than the rest of the man than you can do it.
But i am who ganged up and kicked by both side ia aparently the villain and the two who kick me down ia the Hero?
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Madevils So where did I say anything about rape? WHERE IS THE WORD RAPE EVEN MENTIONED!?
You ASSUMED wrongly, went off putting words in my mouth. Did you read the comments that Ancient Devil and The10thCrow were making? Tell me, did you read what they wrote?
The10thCrow#235795 the original ranking has been invaded in a matter of days two I repeat two female oriented books reached the top 10. Time's running out!
The10thCrow#235795 Since the inception of this site/app the originals ranking has been majority male oriented novels. But times have change I observed that in the past few months the male oriented books and their counterparts have been in a constant tie until today that is. MY FEARS HAVE BEEN REALIZED WE LOST! AS OF NOW THEIR IS ONLY 4 MALE ORIENTED BOOKS IN THE TOP 10. Thats right we are officially out numbered now its a matter of time before Webnovel turns to a stupid wattpad clone. Brother's have I not warn of this? Look at our website THAT NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN AS SUCCESSFUL AS IT IS RIGHT KNOW WITHOUT US TURN TO A STUPID
Ancient_Devil#337659 if there's a lot of famale oriented novels all translator will start translating them because of their potential and translate less novels the males like.
Ancient_Devil#337660 And yes to male oriented readers it's really is a problem. No translator will pick up any novels except romance ones
These are the misogynistic comments I'm referring to. If you read properly instead of making your assumptions, you would have realized that I was responding to these overreaction comments claiming that male lead novels would completely disappear all because we have a bunch of female lead novels in the ranking. You would have realized that I was responding to male readers who felt so threatened just because female lead novels made it to the top rankings to the point that they deluded themselves into thinking this is the beginning of extinction of male lead novels. As if female lead novels making it to the top rankings is some horrible, apocalyptic thing that should never be allowed.
Do you not think that is misogynistic? Do you not find that petty and narrow-minded? Do you not find that self-centered? These male readers are advocating for Webnovel to be a male-only site and start complaining about their novels being threatened just because, what, a few female lead novels got into the top rankings?
I'm not talking about all male readers or male readers in general, I'm responding specifically to them! That would be clear if you've actually bothered to read through the whole thread and see who I'm responding to, instead of taking my posts out of context and making stupid assumptions!
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Madevils calling the other at male female novel thing
What does this mean.
D-do you know what the sentence you quoted actually means? Or... did you run the word "misogynistic" through google translate?
Here... let me just... break it down for you.
Tomoyuki I'm just pissed off by a bunch of misogynistic dudes running around claiming that male lead novels will disappear,
"I am annoyed that a bunch of guys, are telling girls, that they can't be popular because they're girls. I don't like how these guys assume that what they like is what everyone likes. I don't like how they are trying to push Webnovel into getting rid of the girls. These guys need to understand that this website is for guys and girls."
Hopefully that helps. And if I'm wrong about anything, nice.
Oh shit Tomo's going full Super Saiyan. Lets hope he's a Vegeta and not a Broly...
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Madevils No, my friend, it just means you had best understand what you're reading, make sure you aren't misreading other people's posts, and ensure that you do not make stupid assumptions based off your limited knowledge of English before you jump off and start attacking other people.
And the kicking part is a pun joke. It's a well known idiom (kicking someone when he's down means exploiting someone in a vulnerable position, e.g. if you're already struggling to pay off your debts, I come along and basically blackmail you into selling me your house for an absurdly cheap price) - no one is going to literally kick you. The reference would have been obvious to a native speaker, but since you admit that you aren't one, I guess that's understandable.
I still think this could've been handled differently. The guy obviously has problems writing, and admitted he is not an English Native (if you didn't know that already). A calm explanation would be alright, and certainly he would understand that as well. Laughing about his wording is a bit going overboard don't you think? Even if he is wrong, the display I saw today is really... I'm not defending him and how he behaved, but I also condemn those who can speak and write English well.
Lilliny ok
Thank you for trying to make it clear for me and sorry if my choice of word annoy you
"I am annoyed that a bunch of guys, are telling girls, that they can't be popular because they're girls"
But they not tell them just because they are girl right? I mean its true that most of high ranked female lead novel is about the "r"thing right? Or i wrong again?