Female MC's are invading are top 20
Wow, what a journey through replies. I think the OP should add the Diss tag here, seem appropriate. I can only say, the top 20 doesn't concern me at all. Besides, people vote and those are the results. It's like you saying, "Kill a few females so that less of them vote" or something. A lot of guys on this website are lurkers, and don't vote at all.
Some people just gave up on exp and whatever, because they don't need it. They simply enjoy their novels in peace. While I would guess the females stay more active, and therefore you see those results? I mean I don't know, but I know a few guys who just lurk behind the scenes, and read without worrying about ranks, stones, comments or reviews. Wake those guys up, and maybe more male lead novels would be at the top.
Tomoyuki wow such long essay
Actually i don't have problem about male/female lead novel as long the storyline not that generic. You say that male lead novel is to generic?yes mybe. The real problem is nowday female lead novel is MORE GENERIC THAN THE MALE LEAD ONE, MORE GENERIC THAN EVER. And they all in TOP 20~30 POWER RANGKING!!!. I not complain because the female MC, what i complain is that they don't deserve that position in the power ranking, because story' wise they don't worth it.
Most is just revolving around a bastardized Ceo who rape a random narrow minded female wich hapen to be MC, dump em, regret that, sudenly change 180 degre, and THE FEMALE MC DUMBLY BELIEVE THAT PIECE OF SHIT CEO IS CHANGE, AND FORGIVE THAT PIECE OF SHIT WHO RAPE THEM, AND FALL IN LOVE WITH THE RAPIST CEO, WTF. And why the female MC forgive them you ask? 10/10 its because the so called CEO is handsome-have hot body-big dicked-last long in bed-deep pocket male human being, thats it. No matter how Bastard they are, doesn't mater how many time they cheat, the female lead WILL always forgive them.
You can change the CEO with another ocupation or whatever, but the rest of the plot ia always the same:
Male rape/forced their love to the female mc>female mc reluctantly accept it>male cheat>male remember how female mc is better>male change>male beg forgiveness>female forgive them>then repeat to part that male cheat part again till the female forgiveness part.
The other type of female novel is about:
"I am woman and i am stronk, male will not born from my wmb, i don't need a puny male cause i am independent, Oh but i still need a dck tho, thats why we create yaoi shit"
And you say that you hate rape in male lead novel while adore that in female lead novel one. While spouting the nonsense about "rape is bad, i hate rape, i love female, i am at their side, i hate other male while i mayself is a male". Wawaweewa, what a double standard view you have.
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Madevils I not complain because the female MC, what i complain is that they don't deserve that position in the power ranking, because story' wise they don't worth it.
Your reasoning error is that you think popularity is an indication of quality. Well, it's not. Sure, a novel can become popular because it has the best quality, but quality is not always the cause of popularity.
The power ranking is NOT a ranking based on a story's quality. It is a popularity ranking and is based on how many power stones a novel gets. And apparently, many Many MANY readers have voted for the generic female-lead novels of which stories you think are not worth it and undeserving to be up there.
Well, unfortunately for you, it's not for you, nor is it for a handful of other readers who feel the same way as you do, to decide.
So, unless you can gather more readers that would vote for the male-oriented novels, I'm afraid you're just banging your head against a brick wall, my friend.
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Lilliny well sorry if you take my rant as me being crybaby. Your understanding skill is not to good i see. But thats doesn't mater, every mankind is always have some flaw at them. unlike the other, i try to understand as much as i can about different genre. That include the type of novel that i said above. that proses require me to read that type of novel even if i don't like them and not just ignore them like what simple human being like you do.
What i find is that the type of novel above is not worth (at least for me), yet the people(most of them is female, and some pu-sy male) still support it while use double standart (about rape is bad, but bad male is more attractive than nice male,etc)
Its bothering me.
And when the other male say about what they want about novel, they treated as egoist, mysoginies, as beast and being punished by both side. Trully bothering me.
Madevils Ranting is another word for crying. The only difference is in authority. You have none. I'm sick of you people trying to turn your muddy word-choice into my problem.
I understand what you're saying completely. You're mad that girls are at the top. But there's nothing you can do? So why are you still here? Ah, because you're crying. Screeching into the void for your bottle. Too bad. Looks like you shit yourself too.
You're desperately trying to change the conversation into US (idk who you mean by that but lol) having some sort of double standard about MF vs MM relationships. All I'm saying is if you don't like it, just don't read it. Support something else. Your complaining isn't doing anything. Instead... why not write that story? Scratch that itch? Turn your negative energy into a positive one?
Write your perfect story dood. Then sit back, and read it.
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Cantiara nice point
Yes popularities ia not always equal quality, thank you for reminding me about that.
No, its not that we try to decided for the other about what is they must read. I just as helpless as the other about that. From that helplesness rise a frustation. But since There nothing can change that then all we can do is rant, for our self.
That why i and the other rant at the forum. Then the other "intelegent and morally high people" start think that we try to force our own view at them, we just want to rant for sake of god, so that not be one demon at our heart. No need to refute that with your counter argument that as BS as our rant.
And they try to condemned us for what we said without see the content, what a funny move.
Lilliny Actually
verb: rant; 3rd person present: rants; past tense: ranted; past participle: ranted; gerund or present participle: ranting
speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way.
"she was still ranting on about the unfairness of it all"
So nope, it's not another word for crying. Just making this clear.
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Lilliny wow another great "counter argument", i appreciate it
Its weeping that the other word for crying good sir, not ranting. You are have quite knowledge at that subjet right? Or your degree at writing mean nothing?
Ah, so you sick at the other people opinion wich is different than you? don't want to listen to it? But on the other hand you say the other is selfish eh? Somebody need to look at the mirror real quick.
Well, its not your problem sir. nobody blame you for not give a shit about my rant (you seem not like the word "us" so i will not use that anymore). Its start to be your problem when you start pick it out of no where and beat it with your intelegent counter argument.
I am not mad at anyone, i don't even mad at you and the other who make "counter argument" to my rant.
So you twisted the meaning from rant of mine to fit your own view? And start demonizing me by say that i mad at bunch of girls who i don't event know who? why not apply a job as lawyer sir?they will hire you with high price.
No, i don't care whoever at top. I not have authority to change that?true, not my problem tho. Don't make that as your problem to, it will make you tired for nothing.
Yes, my rant will do nothing. Your argument will also doing nothing to. Well, at least your argument make me realise that there is someone as "intelegent" as you at the world. Your argument meaning a thing then.
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Madevils ...are you confusing me with someone else? WTF? When did I ever say I adore rape in female lead novels? I even said I hate and don't read CEO stories. I just couldn't care less who votes for what, and which is more popular, because I believe everyone has a right to like whatever they like. What I take issue with is when people start overreacting and persecuting other readers and the genres they like, and their self-centeredness. "Female novels are invading our website (even though it was never your site to begin with)!! WE MUST DRIVE THEM OUT! RAWR!" Seriously? You approve of this kind of behavior? Imagine if it's the other way around, and female readers are demanding that male readers leave the site. Wouldn't you be upset too?
Also, I never said male lead novels are more cliche than female novels. Wtf, dude? Why are you putting words in my mouth? Ancient_Devil and The10thCrow are claiming that male novels are disappearing because everyone only wants to translate female novels. I called them both out on their lies by pointing out that there are tons of male novels still being translated, and how they remain popular. When did I ever claim they are more cliche than female novels? Why are you lying, bro?
Let me make fun of these people in peace... I know that arguing isn't actually crying. But in this context.. he's just whining. So I was having some fun with that because I'm bored.
There's nothing we can all do, there's nothing he can do. So what's the point of coming in here and adding nothing to the conversation. Just open a word document and rage type there. Or better yet, ignore the dumb girly novels and move on with your life. In a few years, they'll end (or not its a Webnovel), or they'll be replaced with something else.
I dunno it just bothers me that someone is just so happy to stew in their own misery. And then they 'justify,' that because they can't do anything it's ok to flood the forums with complaints. Is this comradery? There's a way of doing this without making it sound like the girly books should be somewhere else because they're girly and I don't want to look at them. Coming together to hate something is never good. I guess that's the reason why others keep arguing. Man's acting like the male leads don't have their own issues.
DarkRay Actually
gerund or present participle: crying
shout or scream, typically to express fear, pain, anger, or grief.
say something loudly in an excited or anguished tone of voice.
And your definition of rant includes
DarkRay speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way.
So yes, rant can be used as a synonym for cry. Just making this clear.
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DarkRay So you are ignoring the definition of cry as "shouting to express fear, pain, anger or grief" and the definition of rant as "shouting in an angry, impassioned way" because the dictionary didn't think to include it in Similar?
Like, seriously?
By the way, I see "shout, yell, roar, bellow" as Similar for rant. And guess what?
gerund or present participle: crying
shout or scream, typically to express fear, pain, anger, or grief.
Funny that both cry and rant can be synonyms for "shout", "yell", "roar", "bellow", etc., but they cannot be synonyms for each other? I'm sorry, but are you...dense or just really, really inflexible?
Tomoyuki No, what I'm ignoring is your cherry-picking. Which you are obviously doing. You are simply highlighting certain words from an explanation. This:
Tomoyuki shout or scream, typically to express fear, pain, anger, or grief.
Is not the same as this:
Tomoyuki speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way.
Read the sentence, not th words that fit your argument. I also showed you a list of synonyms, and I can do the same for the word cry. I mean, a blind person would be able to see that. But my guess is, you will not agree, and continue down the path of self righteousness. Your choice in the end.
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DarkRay Let me get this straight. You agree that rant is a synonym for shout, yell, bellow and roar, right?
Cry is also a synonym for shout, yell, bellow and roar, right?
But for some reason they are not synonyms for each other? Okay. I don't see the logic in that, but whatever. I literally copied and pasted the list of synonyms for cry, but for some reason you seem to ignore it. Funny, from the guy who accused me of cherry-picking. Yeah, you accused me of cherry-picking, and then blatantly admitted to ignoring parts of my definition and my list of synonyms for cry. Should I call you out on your hypocrisy then? I'm going down the path of self righteousness? If I recall, you're the one who started the whole definition thing to correct Lilliny. All I did was play the game by your rules. Perhaps you should go look in a mirror.