Mr tycoon's daring wife. Serendipity- a chance encounter, the ceo's woman, his genius wife is a superstar, Milady's fine gentleman

- Feb 14, 2021
- Joined Feb 19, 2018
I have the same problem with the chapter rating. Im using a samsung galaxy tab. And for some reason the rate button doesnt function.
You guys all have a point. Bumping this up so that others can see this.
This is interesting... Now im more hooked. XD
From my experience, you cant change it. Every time you wanna check for new updates in your lib, you'll have to open that tab next to history. Every single time. The ones showing in your main lib is your recebtly opened novels.
I'm even experiencing lags because of the recent update..- In Redeem gift
I'm following this. I'm very curious about it as well. Tried to search about it on the web but came up with nothing...