It looks like it might have been dropped... But it would have been nice if they gave a reason why and also told us that it was getting dropped. (even if the reason why was because the novel was not popular enough I would still at least be satisfied knowing why it was dropped)

- Apr 28, 2020
- Joined Oct 18, 2018
Unfortunately the editing is really bad on the translation mentioned above, otherwise id be happy with it. Also a lot of the terms used are wrong and that makes it really hard to read. (No better then computer translation)
I'm still hoping someone will pick it up on here and do a official translation.
I've noticed a poor quality in the webtoon translation mainly do to insufficient room for words in a bubble, ether that or the translater dose not know proper grammar. For the high SS price we pay for each chapter I want to see a better quality translation, other I'll just stop reading all webcomic on here.
Yep I dropped sevral good novels due to that also.
Why are we still waiting for such a good book?
Yep me too
+1 I hope someone will pick this up!
Still not being traslated? I would think this would be a popular novle to translate... I see a lot of ppl asking for it here and even more on Reddit...
I add my vote!!!
What most people forget it that most books will go down in price after the first year or two of sales in hopes of producing more sales and promoting other books by the same athor.
However quidan is killing a lot of future business as most people over value online currencys. This will lead to less people being willing to start more books that they might be willing to pay for when they get well into the book. Also most Chinese novles are full of filler content that makes the book worth less then a book were the athor dose thier best not to add any filler content even though they are being sold for about the same price.
Now that I have ranted my opinion enough I'll give you (once again my) opinion on how to make money off of nolves well not loosing as much interest, offer the first book for (200k words) for free then offer the next books at a discount price and only have the current book or two at full price. The people how want to read books as soon as they are realesed will pay more and the ones who can't or won't pay will have to wait. And still pay a price although not as large of one.
In closeing I will not pay 60-80 for 400 chapters when I can find plenty of cheaper books for less and still support the athor. It is jest that not all athors and company's are as greedy as quidan.
So I got curious how much I would be paying for a book so I did some simple math and here is what I've found. 600 SS at $10 and a book taking on average 10 ss would be 60 chapters per $10
600/10=60 $10.00/60 chapers=$0.1666 to e now if we take the 16 cents and multiple by 400 chapers 400*.166=$66.66
A lot of books on Amazon cost anywhere from $0.99 to $15.99 they are shorter but as web novles have multiple books compiled into one. However it makes a steep price for some people to pay at this price for locked novles witch have a lot of chapers.
So tell me what you think, should web novles be this expensive? Almost as much as a published book. Would you be more interested in starting new novles if they were cheaper? Or do you think the price is fine we're it is at?