@Shamira_Farhath I've read the first chapter in your novel, and I'll be honest with you: I found it nearly unreadable.
First and foremost, the grammar is utterly atrocious. It looks like you may have typed it out on your phone. Please remember to proofread your work at least twice so that you can catch as many mistakes as possible. Within the paragraphs, there are dozens of places where you forgot to put spaces after punctuation, and there are numerous run-on sentences. I suggest getting a grammar editing program, such as Grammarly (if you're willing to pay for it), but I know that not everyone has it in their budget to invest in grammar software. In that case, you can try improving your grammar through sites such as NoRedInk and GrammarBytes. Remember that people will only read your novel if they can understand the sentences, and unfortunately, I could barely understand one bit of it.
Secondly, I want to mention that you directly started off with exposition. Other than the book's cover and synopsis, the first sentence makes one of the biggest impacts on whether or not a reader will keep reading. Sometimes, exposition can be interesting, but you don't want the first half of your first chapter to be exposition. Sometimes, moves may start off with an expositional sequence, but that is generally frowned upon unless you have to give complex information that is difficult to show in the story. For example, "Blade Runner: 2049" had to use text in the introduction to convey information that is absolutely necessary for understanding the plot. Keep in mind that people have low attention spans these days, so you have to capture the reader's attention like a magnet and don't let go. If you even have an opportunity to conceal your exposition through character interactions and action, do so.
To enumerate my previous point about the value of first sentences, take for example the first sentence of George Orwell's "1984."
"It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen."
This single sentence manages to enigmatically set a scene that will leave readers wanting to see more. Note how Orwell juxtaposes the adjectives "bright" and "cold," by not only placing them next to each other but also using those words to describe April, which is usually a month filled with warm days and rain since it's in the middle of spring. Additionally, the second part of the sentence describes how the clocks were striking thirteen, something completely different from our normal world. Thus, Orwell expertly sets up the dystopian world that he continues to describe in the rest of the chapter through the viewpoint of the main character, Winston Smith.
To sum up my advice: get good at grammar and make the first chapter grab the reader's attention strongly as possible.