I know that our community is pretty diverse. But most of the novels r originally written in Chinese and have a Chinese background. I'm just wondering if the novels actually make u wanna visit China in person (not just simply believe what the media have shown about it).

I actually just visited Hang Zhou (city H) last week and saw the restaurant (Zhiweiguan), the prototype of team Excellent Era' club building!

Well, they are perceived as rude because they are much more direct, and I haven't met anyone being racist. When Stacey visited China they were more curious about western culture (I am talking mainland here)

BTW If you think they are rude in China then tell your professor to stay away from Denmark, the rudest country on earth.

    My ancestors were Chinese and was chase out by Chinese barbarian, for China I'll willing to not go unless someone force me go with them.

      By assuming an entire country is racist, by basing your viewpoint on a single person's experience (which, by the way, is the logical fallacy Appeal to False Authority (your professor likely does not have expertise in Chinese culture))

      By assuming you will be sold if you visit China (stereotyping Chinese and Chinese culture).
      By assuming Chinese are rude and disrespectful (again, stereotyping Chinese and Chinese culture)
      Now, let me make an assumption: you haven't visited China or interacted with many Chinese. If you still don't see how ignorant/racist you are then I have no words.


        think Chinese are racist, because your professor said so (let's assume she exists), is stupid beyond help

        don't know where are you come from, in US or Europe, you are considered a racist by these comment

        TargetPractice1 i'm half chinese. My grandparents are chinese. And my professor is Chinese but raised on different country. So tell me if I'm being racist. And I'm talking about mainland Chinese, not everyone. Learn to know the difference between a culture and a race. Stop shouting racist like a special millenial snowflake everytime you hear an insult.

        Also just admit that you don't know that it's an idiomatic expression. Stop acting smart.


          no way is he from Denmark, (been to Denmark a few times) Danish are incredibly polite

          and a chinese/european girl actually married into the royal family there

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