I recently found myself super frustrated when I went to reread a book that I had already read, meaning the chapters that were locked, were paid for by me to unlock them. I hadn't read the book in a particularly long time, so I decided to read it only to find all the chapters locked again. Another book was only 3/4 done, I got distracted with other books but then when I went to finish it, most of it was locked again. This I think is a cheap trick, and honestly disappointing. this site is one of the few legit site that translates and publishes on a timely manner, we have to spend a lot of money on just one book, for it to only lock again and slyly require us to pay again for the same book, if we love it we have...so mad
webnovel relocks chapters that have been paid for, after certain amount of???
Technically this should never happen, once unlocked paid for chapters should never relock. The quickest fix would be to check your unlock history, screenshot where you previously bought the chapters and contact webnovel support with said proof. They're pretty good about unlocking them again once you prove you had already paid for them.
You should also keep a backup of your history because it only goes back so far...had the same issue with LoHP and they said I was mistaken except I unlocked the chapters in question while at an Olive Garden with exceptionally... not bad, but lengthy service (a snafu in the kitchens). You tend to remember things when free food is involved (desserts! Yum!)...
Oh...I didn't really get cheated because instead of the right chapters, it just unlocked previous ones I'd read for free...it was just a weird situation...
Send a copy of your consume history of chapters you paid for to service@webnovel.com. They'll unlock them for you. Sometimes platform updates can relock chapters again.
The chapters were probably free and now the locked them. Of course, if you are certain that this is no the case, the last comment shows a way to try to have them unlocked again.
WangXian291 Also, beware two things:
Logging onto another account. With how many options there is to set up an account, make sure you logged in the right one. Keep in mind that logging via gmail or logging via email and using the same gmail you would use before logs you into two different accounts!
Some of the stories that had a lot of free chapters (mostly if not exclusively translations) happen to have huge chunk of their earlier chapters retrolocked. It doesn't mean what you unlocked will be lost (you paid for it, its yours to read) but if something was free previously, it can be turn into paid content (meaning, you have to pay to read it again)