
  • Jan 25, 2021
  • Joined Apr 30, 2020
  • After reading a few stories and writing a few too, I noticed something very interesting. There are a moderate amount of people who are actually Toxic.
    What they do includes; Spamming 1-star Reviews for no reason whatsoever on stories; Randomly cursing people and the Authors on their comments, and when someone rationally confronts them, they curse more... Some go and try to force the Author to write and change the story to their taste and flame the author if he/she doesn't comply, they act like online bullies... And, some don't even read a story properly and just begin flaming as if looking to vent their frustrations online... etc.
    I noticed that all the stories that have such cases are dropped with very few exceptions. I personally experienced this so I know what I am talking about, even though the Author can ignore it but the negativity builds up and eventually ruins the mood and causes the Author to drop.
    We have to do something about these people... When somebody doesn't like a story they should just stop reading, or criticize it and move on. when someone flames the Author and causes him/her to Drop the story eventually, they ruin it for the other people who are enjoying reading it. Most stories are dropped for a reason like this... Not all stories are made to be perfect and for everyone. (I am not talking about criticism, rather the people who curse and flame for no reason just because they don't like something.)
    I know toxicity is part of the internet and can't be really stopped but we should at least try...
    I have a few suggestions;
    1. The Review part is already dealt with so I will skip that.
    2. Give the Author's the option to disable comments on their chapters. Some Authors look for feedback and some don't. They should have the option to choose. I think this way most of the stories won't be dropped. (excluding Contracted ones?)
    3. Take reports seriously, I have reported dozens of people personally for abuse and nothing happened. Maybe ban them from commenting for a few days/weeks if it's legitimate?
    4. Set a score or something for accounts. Like karma from Reddit? For example, when someone Reviews stories with actual reason and doesn't give a 1-star just because don't like the MC even though the story's writing quality and stability of update are good, they should get a score based on the likes they get from people who find it helpful. This way people will be more inclined to Review something seriously. Also let people dislike as well so Toxic people and abusers get recognized easily.
    Tell me what you think...

    • Darth_Xiane That makes sense but there is just so much they could add that it's not even funny! They should at the very least add a few new features every few weeks. I am not saying they should give everything to everyone because I understand that wouldn't be profitable, I say if they add one feature for free, they add 2 for contracted authors. That way the Authors will feel the support and write better stories with the tools, eventually becoming contracted ones. The overall quality of Novels will go up and the number of good stories will also increase, everyone, wins. It's not wise for them to keep all the tools for contracted authors, for a business to advance one must first invest no?!

      • Darth_Xiane I was thinking that they expand it for everyone! They should add things for us freelancer authors and put even greater stuff for the contracted ones. Why should we be limited? This site has to evolve.

        • Pleasedeteme Why should we lack what others have?! One must always strive for the best! I think Webnovel must also get these and more if it wants to truly be a superior site!

          • I had recently begun writing and I realized that Authors can use some more tools in Inkstone!
            I suggest the following:
            Add an option where the Author can make a chapter's part Copiable. Maybe the author wants to share some links! the only way is using the comments now! If it is too much at least give the authors the choice to make their entire chapters copiable. Not all chapters need to be protected. Especially the Auxiliary ones!
            Add more editing and writing tools, maybe the author wants a part of his text to be bold or tilted or in a different color! The more tools an author has, the better he can write and promote his work through your site.
            Add an option so we can add music (those without copyright claims) to be played in a chapter! Or maybe a link that can be played at the side while one reads! For example, A youtube link!
            Add an option so the Authors can add pictures in their chapters, sometimes the amount of visual a single picture can provide is much better than explaining details of a scene for a few paragraphs. This one is very good in my opinion as it would help new authors a lot.
            If everyone else has any other thoughts post them here, I hope Webnovel sees this and adds some of the aforementioned. Thank you Webnovel for providing an opportunity for Authors to publish their works. I hope you think about the suggestions above.

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