Hakkira maybe they only put ads on novels which have authors they don’t like. Maybe it’s a petty way of forcing people into a contract. “Sign it, or we’ll put annoying ads in your chapters”. I wouldn’t be surprised.

- Aug 14, 2020
- Joined May 23, 2018
Seken This wasn’t on a free chapter, in a free novel. What free chapter would I be getting? To some other story? They’d never agree.
Qwertg I’m not talking about multiplier check. Im talking about popup ads. Twice I had ads randomly popup while I was reading. The first time wasn’t that bad, I just had to swipe down to remove it. The second time made me wait five fucking seconds. I know that doesn’t seem long, but I received these ads quite close to each other. I didn’t bother trying to figure out how often it occurs. In my opinion if it occurs at all, it occurs too much.
It’s one thing to make us buy chapters then try make us buy the privilege to buy the chapters early. But it’s another thing making us watch ads. I sear ages ago you could watch ads to get chapters for free. Why not add that back if you want to add ads. Forcing us is just stupid. Or come up with a few ideas that you find acceptable and ask us which one we want. I don’t know if Webnovel got a new owner or something, because ever since a while ago, everything has gone to shit.
I am actually done. First you remove landscape mode. I just got over it and started reading again. Now, I get fucking advertisements!? This is getting ridiculous, this used to be a good site, now it’s just stupid. I’ll just do what I used to do and read on third party sites for FREE. No costs, no advertisements. Honestly loved this site, I’ll still login everyday, and do the tasks but only because I have hope that you’ll one day fix everything. Pull your head out of your ass and stop trying to make as much money as possible without thinking about the fucking readers.
Mechanicalwave it used to have landscape mode, until the removed it.
Did they remove the landscape mode? There used to be portrait mode and landscape mode, I’ve always used landscape mode and when I updated the app, along with a changed interface there was no more landscape mode. This is actually something that could cause me to stop reading on Webnovel. Just curious if it’s somewhere else or if I’m blind or something,
XOMatsumaeohana Honestly, if he came back and mass released a bunch that would be awesome. But for the past month he has released sporadically. More recently it has seemingly become worse. Even in the comments people are making jokes about it, and the author hasn’t said anything. If he said something it’d be fine, but he hasn’t.
I understand that premium novels are necessary and a lot of the time beneficial. Yet, I think the premium novels should go under review every month. Any novels with less than a certain amount of uploads should be questioned. I’ve been reading dual cultivation since it started. Two uploads daily, it was good. Then it became a premium novel, and while I was upset about having to pay I was also glad because I thought it would increase in either quantity or quality. It did not. More or less same quality, quantity has gone down from two a day to two a fortnight. Now this has happened for whatever reason, and ok, there could be personal reasons, but waiting a week for a chapter that costs ten spirit stones is stupid. What’s the point?
I say, for this example it either needs to be given an ultimatum, in which they have to increase the quantity or be unpremiumed or just unpremium it now. It’s impossible to 100% follow it.- Edited
This might of already been mentioned or suggested in the past, and I’ll admit I’m too lazy to try find it, but wouldn’t it be cool if you could convert temporary SS to permenant SS.
Very simple idea, if there’s nothing you want to read or you want to wait until there’s a lot to read, you can convert temporary SS to permanent SS. Of cause there would have to be a negative conversion rate, like 5 TSS —> 1 PSS. This is just a suggestion, which might have been mentioned in the past I don’t know. If it has then sorry.TSS -> Temporary Spirit Stones
PSS -> Permemant Spirit Stones