
  • Nov 23, 2023
  • Joined Dec 11, 2017
  • Because Webnovel really cares about all its community so it wants everyone to join their wallets to show their 'true' commitment πŸ˜‰

    But yeah I do like that every time I think they aren't so greedy and I am tempted to go premium again they go and remind me why I will never give them money again...πŸ˜…

  • Sometimes I feel with every update it actually gets harder to navigate this app instead of becoming easier... πŸ˜… To quote a legend "Its evolving, just backwards"... πŸ€”

  • Booker23de that is a long time for a restock which if they restock to the same limited amount only a few will be able to buy once more...

    • Will the so called store ever be replenished? If not then they might need to change the name as that is not how stores work... πŸ˜…

      • I would also like to know though I already know you are meant to spend them in the store the issue is that at the moment the store is selling two things with a limited quantity that has not been replenished for more than 7 days. Why limit it and when does it get stocked up again? πŸ˜…

      • Same here. Why is it that every time there is an update things only seem to get worse?!? 🀨

        • Same here. Why is it that every time there is an update things only seem to get worse?!? 🀨

          • XystOblivion Really?!? I have been looking to get rid of those ads for ages as they ruin my momentum of reading! Thanks for the tip will try it out 😊

            Edit: just tested it and it works so many thanks!!

          • Also agree please change back also see that random ads is still a thing for some novels in this update so please clarify your plans for intrusive ads and why only some novels have them and why it seems to only happen to android users

            • Okay this is getting ridiculous as in one chapter of a novel I had 4 pop up ads that blocked the page with one of them actually crashing the chapter to go back to the beginning... Really Webnovel what benefit do these forced ads do for you other than push people to use other apps that have your novels? These ads make certain stories Un readable as how am I going to read a 30 chapter plus new story if to do so I have to view atleast 60-120 ads?!? On a pc I don't mind ads as they don't force me to stop reading but on this app the ad takes the whole page... Don't know why I bother posting here tbh as since it doesn't affect the most popular novels and only seems to affect Android users no one really seems to care. I don't mind paying a small subscription fee to support the app and authors to not have ads but you don't give that and have just added these ads randomly with no notice or explanation that I can see.

              • At this point in time I am just hoping someone can explain why they appeared in certain novels and not others and for web novel to announce their new and fantastic subscription/privilege level that gets rid of them. Remember guys that these small changes tend to eventually become something that snowballs so if nothing is said against it now then expect many more intrusive ads in your novels in the near future...

              • KoraL rank 34 fanfiction reincarnated as Tony Stark is one but it mainly seems to be fan fictions. The nnoying thing is that I can see no pattern as a harry potter fic used to have ads and now doesn't. It seems random... Very odd! 🀨

                • TomRiffle101 at first I thought it was for fan fictions but since Don's novel has no ads I honestly have no clue how they choose who has pop up ads and who doesn't... What is clear to me now is that when you download a novel that has them enabled you are actually also downloading ads directly into you phone! 🀨

                  • In Ads

                    I have argued against these since they appeared but considering how intrusive these ads are for the overall reading experience I was surprised by the lack of outcry here in the forums. It seems to me that maybe some people do not get any ads? Also what rule do they function by as some novels have them and some don't. Do the authors decide? I am mystified by the lack of any official announcement about this rather major change! 🀨

                  • I have argued against these since they appeared but considering how intrusive these ads are for the overall reading experience I was surprised by the lack of outcry here in the forums. It seems to me that maybe some people do not get any ads? Also what rule do they function by as some novels have them and some don't. Do the authors decide? I am mystified by the lack of any official announcement about this rather major change! 🀨

                    Web Novel Novel Ask