I originally wanted to write a post raging at how expensive all the chapters are, but after watching all the novels start to switch to spirit stones only for new chapters over the past few weeks, I've come to realize I just don't want to support this website anymore. I've been addicted to reading light novels for 2-3 years now to the point where I spend almost all of my free time reading them. I thoroughly enjoy the many different styles of writing and schools of thought incorporated into the several dozen novels I've read and continued to keep up with. The new policies this website is enacting has made me reevaluate the worth of spending my time reading LNs, especially on this website.

I can understand wanting to earn money for your work translating, keeping the site running, etc., but we're y'all really not making anything from the add revenue for new chapters? Was it just so low that you had to raise the price of spirit stones to 2 cents each to cover costs? I think not, and I did the math to make sure I wasn't being overly sensitive. Most of the new chapters cost between 5-15 spirit stones so let's say an average of 10 per chapter. I haven't found a LN under 1000 chapters in full, and it's usually more. So if I pay 2 cents per spirit stone and 10 spirit stones a chapter that 20 cents a chapter. 1000 chapters × $0.2 = $200. Honestly, if I was to pay $200 for a book it better be leather bound with calligraphy and least come with a complimentary hand job.

Sure I'm only paying spirit stones for the newest chapters, and I could just wait it out until they become free. Why should I stress myself out waiting for enough new chapters to be uploaded so that the next chapter is free when I can just go to the library and borrow a book to read for free? I could read an actual book every day or two and still not have any new chapter to read in an LN. So yah, this is goodbye and thank you again for helping me to find better ways to spend my time.


P.S. I got some spirit stones to sell back to you so just email me about the most convenient way to go about this.

P.P.S. If it's too much to ask, then forget about it. Who knows, I might come back in a few years if I 've become a paraplegic or something and have nothing to do in life.

    I wonder if we generate enough of a bad rep for their market structure and show Qidian and Tencent that we're not the mindless nationalist pushovers that their home readership seem to be, would they reverse and soften their stance, or harden even more and eventually lose a good chunk of the market share. But i guess we'll never know.

      DixieNormous really not making anything from the add revenue for new chapters? Was it just so low that you had to raise the price of spirit stones to 2 cents each to cover costs? I think not, and I did the math to make sure I wasn't being overly sensitive. Most of the new chapters cost between 5-15 spirit stones so let's say an average of 10 per chapter. I haven't found a LN under 1000 chapters in full, and it's usually more. So if I pay 2 cents per spirit stone and 10 spirit stones a chapter that 20 cents a chapter. 1000 chapters × $0.2 = $200.

      How did you jump from "I did the math if ad sense made enough money and I will show you guys" too calculating the money needed for one book?

        I will leave once I can't clearly afford the chapters for the novels I love....I'm a student and I don't make money. \/\/ \/\/ is much better. The light novel market will never be conquered.

          Ø1000Ch per Novel Ø6 A4 pages (font size 12) per chapter = 6000 pages Ø2 (because most Novel (are A5) )= 12.000 Pages per Novel => inaccuracies we say 10.000 pages per Novel

          A normal good romantic novel or action novel has about 800-1000 A5 Pages and costs between 10-20Euros or 15-25$

          10.000 A5 Pages Chinese Novel / 800 A5 Pages normal western Novels = 12.5 (This is the amount how many normal western novel you would have to read for one chinese novel)

          12.5 * 10Euro (15$) = 125Euro / 150$ if you take cheapest price of good novel

          I think 200$ for good novel here ist not that far away from what you would have to pay for other books with this
          kind of length

            Mangoo Difference is, western novels aren't sold based on word count, so we don't get the needless fillers and overblown descriptions of everything, we also don't get the same info repeat itself 100 times just for more words.

            I still feel they need a pure premium currency since spirit stones are just too expensive, the price per chapter is inflated due to the fact that most spirit stones spent are from the free stones people get daily.

              Mute I still feel they need a pure premium currency since spirit stones are just too expensive, the price per chapter is inflated due to the fact that most spirit stones spent are from the free stones people get daily.

              Do you mean that as in no daily free SS, so that either the chapter prices drop down or bought SS gets cheaper?

              • Mute replied to this.

                But this also a charm of these novel. I somehow like, how they describe sometimes somethings more in details => better for the immersion and stuff.

                Still the prices are somehow in someway justified, even if it is littlebit overpriced but => market is new and everything need its time.

                About SS i think like in a MMORPG you need free coins and prem coins

                  Yippie finally the pay wall is up!!! For those too poor to buy spirit stone to read too bad for u guys but it same for me too.... sigh we all know that the pay wall will be up and running right? No matter how we complain n whine, if there are people who pay, qidian will still here to stay. It is all about money lady and gentleman

                  Stockpiling chapters could be an option. We will atleast get 1 ch a day. It is better than some websites which release 1ch/wk or at most 3 chapters/wk depending upon patreons.
                  In my case, I dont read premium chaps other than of CCG(even this is with free SS), cause I cant afford them. So, I have not run into any problems. This was after my experience with a certain novel, for which I read premium chaps, only to be unable to afford it later(and free chaps still have not caught up after two months, so I dropped it).

                  Ebu8b Nah i'm talking about taking away the buy option for spirit stones and have that as the free currency, aswell as keeping the spirit stone cost to unlock chapters the same, so it won't affect people who don't buy spirit stones, and then adding a new premium currency that can't be earned for free, but works out cheaper to buy chapters with real cash.

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