
- Joined Mar 22, 2019
They took it down.
Well would ya look at that there are people here that I could possibly become friends with but never will because I'm way to socially awkward...
I mean I could draw but I don't have any digital supplies of that to make a comic although I would love to take this opportunity I cant draw...
Wish you the best of luck though!
Aha I do indeed have a playlist of some songs, but I have been to lazy to put the rest on there XD.
I'm sorry I did see it somewhere but I totally forgot the name I think its in the tag vengeance? or maybe try reincarnation.
- In Anyone?
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ThyUnknownSaint lmao I do have discord Sensei_Aizawa#6434
KillerHemboy Thank you! I will try put this to use!!
Hi, I am currently working on planning for a story!
If anybody could help with my horrible author skills. It would be much appreciated!
[like tips]- In Anyone?
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Hi! I'm a lonely person and I need friends... Is anyone willing to be an Anime addict, meme lover, crazy person's friend?
My Info is in meh bio.
Veronica8 well i kind of like the stories that include a good plot twist and dont spend heaps of chapters trying to get to the point so ill read just abt anythinhlg.
chonnie thank you
ill try read them all
I have no stories to read all of them require spirit stones. Im currently saving to read some more chapters but im failing. Got any story recommendations?
Laptopboy Thank you very much:)
I've tried everthing but can not, no matter what find out how to invite friends...
If you can help would love it! Im on a mobile.