To be honest, I have something to confess. I joined this community in 2017 Oct. My only goal was to read novels. Then I stumble into the wormhole know as Forum and I have to say. WTF!!!

To all the whiners,haters,spammers and all the other stupid fucks.
Qidan is not running charity, They are bringing Chinese literature to an international platform. Stop expecting freebies and at the same time expect translation level 10000.
Stop spamming, and don't start a discussion that talks about getting banned in result of spamming.
Stop posting about how qidan is ripping you off and at the same time demand higher quality chapters.
Translators don't shit out chapters. It takes time and dedication which depend on the incentives. I mean how stupid can you be. Trying saying the same thing to the waiter at the restaurant you dine in, don't pay and then complain that the meat wasn't cooked right.

Now to Qidan,
Lets discuss the spirit stones.. I mean its a neat concept, but why does the spirit stones reset after a day. You are asking for a lot of spamming and shitty recommendations, angry brats and babies die all over the places. Don't put a rifle in the hand of a child and expect him to behave.

You can't make everyone happy. I mean ban the shits who spoil the experience of other readers. Seriously this kind of post wouldn't have seen the light of day in some of the forums I use.

Make subsections, so all the crazy shit is hidden away in some dark corners of the forums that it would need some serious determination to find it.

Now the crazies,
Yeah I am talking to you with your crazy ideas and your diabolical comments. Not everything is a conspiracy to steal your money.
I am not the agent of Qidan, No this is not reverse psychology to make you believe what I say. You just have to much time.

To Me,
Next time don't use so much profanities.
Stop expecting someone to listen. Where people talk about made up things, and then they have discussions about the discussions that they had about made up things.
You must be brain dead.

Peace Out.

    mud7 changed the title to Confessions of a Serial Reader.


      About the crazies....No use preaching to them.

      About the message to yourself...

      Where people talk about made up things, and then they have discussions about the discussions that they had about made up things.

      Drives me crazy with that shiz man. Its annoying.

      And that's all...have a happy thread.

        I am male.
        And i am a human.

        Sometime maybe i say iam a "leeches"
        But, actualy i am a human.

        That is my confessions, thanks.

        8 days later

        lol 😂
        my confession 🤔
        I guess it's my 8 the grade syndrome hahaha
        but I really appreciate the wordings Flaffy
        discussion about discussions~
        well I am more into infotainment you see so can't help it meh~

          My confession
          I have mic
          but i lie that i dont have mic

            Nowdays they aren't called conspiracies, they are called ''marketing strategy''

            but you can delude yourself that Qidian has been and will be honest XD It is obvious they are testing the waters on few novels, and if it works they will use it on every novel...and then they will try pay only novels, and see if that works too...

            I mean it is ok if they are honest about it, but I am not starting to read novels here just to get hooked, I am not a fish XD And yeah we all do pay for other stuff in our lives, so it isn't about ''oh those freeloaders''

            But yeah on one hand you know they don't run charity, on the other hand you can't see where this is going xD We are clearly conspiracy theorists to assume Qidian will do anything for money xD

              ParCash My confession
              I have mic
              but i lie that i dont have mic

              You monster :O But thank you for the 50€.

                ParCash Haha Undercover and I made bets right in front of you. The bets were if you have a mic and how long we can sh#ttalk before you leave. :P

                  mud7 I guess you don't enjoy the concept of free speech. And if they are such a large corporation, you bet my fucking ass I expect translation level 10000. Especially now with "premium" which is theoretically paid chapters. This is a forum, and people should be able to say what they want unless it is extremely offensive.

                  Might be a outlandish guess, but do you happen to orginate from a poorer less developed country with a lot of corruption (Not that there isn't a lot of corruption in first world countries, but its less noticable)? Just guessing based on your bad English and your authoritarian tendencies.

                    bad English = against free will + third world resident + authoritarian tendencies.
                    I don't even know to respond. So I will just repeat what I had said before into something you can understand.

                    Try writing a novel that is interesting enough that a large corporation like qidan decides to publish your story. Multiply it by the pressure of shitting out chapters, to keep your novel relevant. When the times comes for the pay check, imagine qidan saying. "Sorry mate, our readers don't wish to pay, Cheers."

                    Sitting on your ass and passing judgment is easy. I say that from experience. But money doesn't grow on trees and I bet qidan doesn't shit out gold bars. They have to pay to the authors, to developers and the administrators. There is a team working behind the scenes, which makes it possible for you to read your precious novels.

                    Believe it or not your free speech hurts those behind the scenes. I have seen some harsh comments from the leechers. The forum is filled with such people. So tone down the crazy. Take a breather and enjoy the novels.

                    P.S - I official relegate you to the crazies, also your outlandish guess is right on the mark.

                      TargetPractice1 it is really amazing that those who complain a lot are the leechers and the horders of spirit stones. Seeing their stones reducing everyday make them go nuts because they have no $$ to fork out.
                      When the TLs have their advanced chapters on patreon, these leechers have no complains. Already being given free SS everyday yet still wanting more benefits, what a shame.



                        Lol I have nothing against premium other than the fact that it is a flawed system. Doesn't matter too much to me. When have I mentioned wanting benefits? What matters is that this is a forum, and people should be able to express their complaints. Otherwise this wouldn't be a forum and instead a board of praise for QI. How does people talking shit about QI or novels going premium hurt those behind the scenes? Are their feelings hurt, causing them to lose money? Take a breather, ignore your so dubbed "crazies", and carry on with your life. 🤣 to me you are one of the "crazies" and its funny as you argue against free speech.

                        • mud7 replied to this.

                          mud7 I am one of the people who claimed the premium system is a rip-off.And ı must state premium system don't affect me anyway.ı stack up chapters. ı have a time.although the premium system is not affecting me ı still support the people who claim it is a rip-off.

                          mud7 Stop spamming, and don't start a discussion that talks about getting banned as a result of spamming.
                          Stop posting about how qidian is ripping you off and at the same time demand higher quality chapters.

                          And who the f. are you?This is a forum and this is forum's purpose.People can report a bug or complain something.

                          • mud7 replied to this.

                            TargetPractice1 I am all for free speech, but posts about rigged competitions, multiple posts with same title annoy the shit out of me. Quite a few complained about getting banned when they were spamming on discord and then they started discussions on getting banned. I mean... to be honest, I don't even know to say. Hence this discussion.

                            You say, premium system is flawed. Propose a better one, or at least share your thoughts about it.

                            As to being a "crazy" I definitely am, confessing about my frustrations on a forum should have ticked you of my friend.

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