Named after Frost, the tr4pg0d from rainbow sucks siege.
Tell me the origin of your Daoist name
Vixen is Miss so........ MissVixen >.<
MissVixen huh that's cute..
I take you to prom you female fox , if you know what I mean,
I spike yours drinks in prom , if you know what I meant (lol)
Wabbitz well book sage you have read my darkest dungeo... past so I think you already am the mc from now on ,so go on find the true novel and give me it's location and I MONSIEURWEEB SHALL GRANT YOU POWER!!!
:cloud_lightning: :cloud_lightning: :cloud_lightning: :fist:
Wandering_Traveler Here some food :fish_cake::fish_cake::fish_cake: then after this go find a good master! I desire that you find a GREAT SIR! :cloud_lightning: as your master presumably.
WeebMonsieur @MissVixen, remember to carry a stun gun. Or simply kick him between the legs :)
Mine is because i like to sleep and Morpheus is the god of sleep and dreams.
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I have two daoist names, one a 'Title' and another my 'Nickname'.
For the "DaoistOfReading"
I like reading, and have read a lot of Daoist novels, so used this for the novels I read.
For the "Dirchesdan"
I played a game and tried to think of a 'unique' name, so I combined some words (forgot what words) and liked it so it stuck to me.
I don't remember which game it was, but whatever name j tried was coming as used. Vexed trying to find a good name...I simple typed Vex, and viola, they accepted it.
So simple Vex. Later I took it as my duty to
thrash talk and Vex my teammates, so as to stand up to my name. The name stuck.
Neverfire7 Sure Sure.....
WeebMonsieur Awww .... Ty Ty
MissVixen !!! What happened to your alarm bells when he said 'spike your drink'! But, if you're into that kinda stuff, don't mind me... Just ignore me...
Zi = Zi se = purple
Yun = cloud
I love the color purple.
I like the clouds.
I love the feeling of freedom and dreams.
To me colors are dreams and clouds are freedom.
Ziyun awesome
Ziyun well that great man/woman here a drink :beers: , it's on me and don't worry one day that dream will become reality but for your taxes....
The food that I am eating right at that moment
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MissVixen Don't worry about that guy with a weird generated runescape name :smiling_imp:Neverfire7(LOL) , just follow me to this weird black SUV and I WILL ROCK YOUR WORLD!!
THIS LEVEL OF ROCK YOUR WORLD!!! :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :cloud_lightning:
WeebMonsieur Ahahahaha... (run away)