Named after Frost, the tr4pg0d from rainbow sucks siege.

    Wabbitz well book sage you have read my darkest dungeo... past so I think you already am the mc from now on ,so go on find the true novel and give me it's location and I MONSIEURWEEB SHALL GRANT YOU POWER!!!

    :cloud_lightning: :cloud_lightning: :cloud_lightning: :fist:

      Mine is because i like to sleep and Morpheus is the god of sleep and dreams.

        I have two daoist names, one a 'Title' and another my 'Nickname'.

        For the "DaoistOfReading"
        I like reading, and have read a lot of Daoist novels, so used this for the novels I read.

        For the "Dirchesdan"
        I played a game and tried to think of a 'unique' name, so I combined some words (forgot what words) and liked it so it stuck to me.

          I don't remember which game it was, but whatever name j tried was coming as used. Vexed trying to find a good name...I simple typed Vex, and viola, they accepted it.
          So simple Vex. Later I took it as my duty to
          thrash talk and Vex my teammates, so as to stand up to my name. The name stuck. 😅

            MissVixen !!! What happened to your alarm bells when he said 'spike your drink'! But, if you're into that kinda stuff, don't mind me... Just ignore me...

              Zi = Zi se = purple
              Yun = cloud
              I love the color purple.
              I like the clouds.
              I love the feeling of freedom and dreams.
              To me colors are dreams and clouds are freedom.

                Ziyun well that great man/woman here a drink :beers: , it's on me and don't worry one day that dream will become reality but for your taxes....

                  The food that I am eating right at that moment

                    MissVixen Don't worry about that guy with a weird generated runescape name :smiling_imp:Neverfire7(LOL) , just follow me to this weird black SUV and I WILL ROCK YOUR WORLD!!

                    THIS LEVEL OF ROCK YOUR WORLD!!! :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :cloud_lightning:

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