Look to the distance in remembrance
You know, this remind me of a story. There... was once a cat, A female cat, that live in warm cozy house, being treated and cared by human as their mistress. That cat live an easy life, without have to worry for food and there's always a human to clean and groom her.
But on one fateful day, everything changes.
That day, at night, a human appear. a human she don't know. at first, she thinks that the human is a friend or a family of the her human servant, but all the things that human did is giving off a suspicious and nervous scent. knowing that the human is an intruder to her territory, she hiss and yell at the invader to go out of her dominion.
The Intruder tried to silence her, but she is too fast for the slow human. After sometime, her human servant finally appear with what seems to be a long stick in his hand. She yell at her human servant for being too slow and tell him kick out this intruder, but before he could, a loud lightning-like sound enters her ear. Frightened by it, she ran in panic to the outside.
Outside, she heard a lot of screaming and noise from the inside of the house. Thinking that her human servant will take care of it, she walk around to look for a place to sleep. The next day when she wakes up, she wakes up in a box made of black line crisscrossing the whole place. the box was carried by another human to a building, and there she saw so many mother cats, and another human is taking away the kitten of those mother cats while the mother didn't care at all. And from that moment on... Mother become like them.
... as for me, at that time i was just a small kitten when mom told me that story. Me and my sister is her first batch of kitten. On the next day after she told that story, i was taken by the human and seems to be what mom says as "Being sold". At that time, i don't understand at all; all i care is food and playing with my sis. i was put in a dark box with others like me and my sis. Scared and tired, in the middle of the way i fall asleep and the next thing i knew, sis and the others was gone and i'm with a human.
At first, she was kind, play with me and even give me food. I was happy and start to forget about sis and mom. But then, She betrayed me. she took me to a place, block the way with invisible wall, then pour onto me the most disgusting and cold thing i ever know!
Can you believe it! She pour "Water" on me!
After the torture finish, i decide to ran away from that place. things happens and here i am now. still looking for my mother and sister. forever wandering the streets. traveling across the "sea"(which i learn later on, that it's actually a very large container filled with water)