I was tasked to protect this realm against those despicable aboriginal Gods and somehow managed to get here as I was bored, Go get some life they say, it will be fun they say. But the more I stay here, the more I realize that I crave to create mischief the realm I was supposed to protect. As such, I secluded myself to cut off these weird thoughts lingering on me. I just then awoke from my slumber.
As such, I made my daoist name like this as there is no such thing in the material world that could move my heart...
Haii~ do I really need to get a life... So troublesome...😩

5 days later

From dragon language from skyrim:
Shul - sun
qo - lighting
Im going to cry >. < My nick doesn't change and my old nick is from Sloth but I can't use that and can't use Lazy and can't use Deadbeat (maybe someone know about kamidori almost all game i was a deadbeat) then I connected those two and come with my old nick. But now I'm Shulqo but my nick doesn't change!!!

    I am 100% not a dingo. You just have to trust me.

      This humble junior name is Imaglyy, thank you very much.

        The way I came up with my name would be ... objectionable to most to say the least, though I can explain its meaning. To preface, I am not religious. The accepted belief of the universe is that it is theoretically infinite. This boundlessness that the universe has is often tied to the gods that various religions believe created said universe. Because the universe is too big to ever be fully understood, so too are gods. This concept of these unreachable existences are often considered to be so unknowable they are perfect. Thus gods are put upon an unobtainable pedestal; they cannot be challenged, they cannot be questioned, they cannot be disproven. I reject that idea. The universe is not infinite; entropy will reach maximum one day. As a result, every star in the sky will go out, all energy will be used, and all life will die. Thus, the universe is not perfect, it is imperfect, and it then stands to reason that so too are it's gods. They can be questioned, they can be wrong, and they can be killed. To many this might seem sacrilegious or a terrible and bleak concept, but I think the horrifying idea of everything that exists can be destroyed gives existence value. It is what makes life interesting and worth living.

          For me it's because it's the name of my favorite character of my favorite novel.....

            GoGo Wow xD haha if you like those genre go take a read and get more corrupted (but I think you are quite corrupted so....) xD

            • GoGo replied to this.

              immortal_corrupt Nah!! I always despised Harem genre at a whole!!... I don't know the reason for it, but I despise it for as long as I can remember.

              Though boku no pico is a different matter!!

                GoGo well if it's about the characters, I know them though not all it's because I got some information from Facebook and my friends who also likes anime......

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