It would be nice to get the novel (The Blackbellied President's Beloved Housewife) I was reading back. It's already on its 8th chapter and today when I checked, all the chapters have been removed. Now it states that "The story is coming soon." ??????? Any explanation would be nice.

    Actually one of Indonesian current hottest romance novel (because adapted to movie) didn't end with a good ending. I don't think readers would read/BUY the last novels. It tells about 'Senior High School' love. It was common those love would end. In the end both married their own partner. Some movie watchers had decided to stop watching the next series of the movie and novel from the spoiler. Nobody wanted their 'dream' to be crushed.

    However, I believe nobody would read that author's book with sadist ending. So VERY Bad idea for a novelist who wanted to grow readers.

    You don't want your novel to become a Good Written Novel which could add 'discussion' for some novel professors.

    You want a BEST seller novel which could net money for author and entertainment for readers. (Nobody remember novel award winner ten years ago. However, I believe everyone have heard the best selling Novel series of all time, Harry Potter or the second best, Lord of the Rings series.)

    That is a good way to lose fans. By becoming a SADIST author.

    Nobody like real life store. Novel is an escape. Why read novel when you can 'learn' the pain in real life.

      MasterRabbink it's true. People read to escape their daily hardships and want to imagine themselves as the mc rather than fantasize about something that they can't have a most people do not want to feel the pain and suffering that has no happy ending this is something I can not comply with.q

        Things I treat with extreme prejudice:

        -ML who has no other occupation other than to be FL's tagalong. His resume is "FL's ML". Don't you have a job to do? A kingdom to run? Someone to off? Go turn yourself into a proper character please.
        -Love triangles - this pretty much kills 50% of c-stories for me, but I bear with it.
        -Overly descriptive attributes for F or M leads. I didn't need the 101th time the author has told me how gorgeously flowing their locks are. We get it. They're the primordial sun that outshines everyone while they burn all other peasants to a crisp for not being worthy enough.
        -Heroines with their IQ in the negative digits, gullible, and jumping into traps & misunderstandings like it's a buffet and they're a starving desert island survivor.

        What I look for:

        -A strong heroine.
        -Heroines who have other important things to do besides being in a romance. A world to save, people to kick ass, corporations to take over.
        -There are actual secondary female characters that aren't used as a foil to the FL. Secondary female characters that are GOOD and fleshed out.

          Nikideema -Overly descriptive attributes for F or M leads. I didn't need the 101th time the author has told me how gorgeously flowing their locks are. We get it. They're the primordial sun that outshines everyone while they burn all other peasants to a crisp for not being worthy enough.

          This is author's cheat to get extra count. Romance novel is only around ~800 words. This description could fill around one hundred. That is 1/8 of free money for the author. Lol.

          The authors should make their FMC or ML do plastic surgery (or disguise) every a few chapters so they could write about it again. Gwahahaha. Perhaps their identity as a spies.

          • BAJJ replied to this.

            I read a manga like that (almost) ML was falling in love with FL and then she got into an accident and then some weird doctor gave her plastic surgery and then she end up looking like her mom and then ML was actually already married to a model that looks exactly like her mom so then there was three people they had the exact same face. BUT ML's wife was like Super Evil and manipulative and FL wasn't and then he ended up falling in love with her even more and then find out who she was but MLS wife was like super crazy and try to kill them both absolutely loved it.

              MasterRabbink This was mainly a joke about most romances. However I have seen , though very rare, books that have had such endings have been successful in their own right. Is it for all readers? Of course not, but it will be one that was remembered over those romances that ended more typical. Saying sadist author was also more of how some people would feel at the time about the author but reflection can be a hell of a thing. Some authors have found they had become more popular for it. Some claim it's about the journey rather than the end. Maybe it was a bittersweet romance or a first love experience. Doesn't mean they would end up together. Not saying a romance should end like an NTR just for reactions sake.

              Just different. That's all.

                Wabbitz no you are right. It is the journey itself that makes writing so enjoyable. Honestly everyone has bittersweet love story to them. Especially itf it's their first love (unlike my cousin who started dating at 12 and married her first boyfriend 13 years later. They're still together another 12-14 years later could be more.) And sometimes we want to reminisce on that time but mine sucked big time. 😭 Got heartbroken twice and never want to travel that road again.

                Scarlettbunny hi... I am writing romance too... Nice to meet you~~ I think, most readers search for hot scenes. TT_TT which that me too very bad at that. You can check it out. Just pick some that most popular in romance category.

                  Kodokijo add a link I would love to read. What I find hard with hot scenes is if I make it too hot it's p0rn. 😂

                    Wabbitz yes, this differs on the country too. Like in Japan it is more acceptable to have that bittersweet ending or have that romance that is a coming of age thing. While in the US they prefer a happy fairytale ending.

                    BabyTanuki see and I waited till my MC's were 18 before I did hot scenes. It felt more legal if I did. 😅

                      How about we start with a normal moral male mc. Love doesn't start with rape. Romance is built on respect for the other person and does not go into great detail about there physical attractive Ness. There plenty of attractive women in that crappy stories filled with smut.

                      Make it slice of life slow with lots of mistakes like a real romance.

                        rustic I am taking my time with it. I originally joined the writing contest but it turned into my baby and I want to see it grow. Honestly it has and I'm so happy people are reading just I want it to reach out to more and hopefully inspire people, you know send a message that no matter what situation your in just do what you can and push through.
                        BUT at the same time I have fun characters mixed in, that normal people would never find in real life.
                        Edmond is one of my favorites. A flirtatious bisexual assassin who falls in love later on in life but acts like a school boy when around her. Is also bound by a contract to follow MC's parents orders but she treats him more like family then anything else.

                          Wabbitz it will be one that was remembered over those romances that ended more typical.

                          Perhaps this Rabbink is different. Move on is my method against bad ending. Gwahahaha.

                          Astolfo_My_Waifu Not All.

                          Scarlettbunny Woman too? Reverse Harem?

                          rustic Agree with this. Rape is bad. It always made a novel had lower rating. Check Novel Updates, nobody says "WOOOOW!!! It has Rape. You have read this!"

                          Every reviews cursed them! For author, Rape is 'rating' destroyer.

                          I avoid MGA because of the Rapist MC rumor in forum.

                            Held against will. Raped. Murdered. Comes back in time to change her fate but still stay with the guy who murdered her. One of the top ones read.
                            Was raped. Gave birth to dead son (so she thinks) falls in love with her rapist. -> honestly one of my favorites. Rape is one of it's tags. BUT these are very simple summarys I swear there is a lot more to them.

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