Veldora would you like some of my qi gathering pills ?
apparently there are plenty from the elfen kingdom where i'm from. these people just eat them like they're candy

    Veldora did u hear something, i think it was a peasant talking to me. hey butler get me my killing people for no reason sword. i think i am gonna get someone today.

    jokes aside, they are a virus in my place and i will eliminate them all.

    Miya Oooh I would love some.
    (But where's the catch? Hmmmmm)

    Well if it's for the sake of benefits I would be willing to play the beggar.
    Face? Who needs that s*it.

      This is off-topic... but I'm annoyed that the link to the forums section was changed from Jianghu to Forum
      But I'm too lazy to create a Diss thread hahaha

      One of the young master in early chapters that gets trashed and face slapped by the peasant MC

        Lvl 3 here. Gonna spit on ur arrogant corpse...

          i was level 3, until i found my OP cheat ability along with my OP treasured item.
          NOW im level 13. : )

          Im practically on a different higher realm unlike you peasants posting in this thread.

            Gaui that is me, lol i only last 20 chapter then i die.

              Veldora why do people keep thinking i have other motives?
              i'll have you know that i'm a very nice person. i'm a queen of evi-- i mean of good intentions


                deikatsuo for real though, what the hell. I guess when the leveling system came out u got a lot of experience from friends huh. Damn son u r a lion.

                  Miya mmhhh, auspicious, 99% of people who show spongebob memes are usually the most messed up people in life. So u tell me?

                  I've now reached the realm of Morning Star Magi !!
                  Spirit Severing Cultivator of the Paragon Immortal Realm !!

                  Look upon your death, mortals... and despair !!!
                  (Ooops, I think this line is for a different thread... but nevermind. haha)

                    You all read a chapter and commented. What a big road, with heavy obstacles too.

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