- Edited
Lmao but frankly speaking the cover sometimes didnt do any justice to the book, (yep im looking at bad new wife is a little sweet),
Lmao but frankly speaking the cover sometimes didnt do any justice to the book, (yep im looking at bad new wife is a little sweet),
So which review you trust more? NU or Qi.
I myself prefer NU review (but not those that gave 1 star as i only trust 3-5star review unless its a landslide of 1star) even though theres a lot of jerk that gave 1 star out of nowhere, at least theres lots of people that gave honest review.
Qi review page is messy and lots of ass kissing (no offense to anyone), only few people that gave a great review..
And this is for those "people" LOL....
U know what, nowadays ive seen lots of people that keep saying dont be cheap or get a job to spend some dollars in reading some of the premium..
For those that keep saying that, please remember that not everyone have the pleasure to spent OR some people that really dont want to spent for something call literature.
this is not about whos richer or whos wiser in spending $$$.. A lot of people opening up how to get free read thread by giving the community one of the way To keep enjoying without paying, so all those people that keep complaining about premium features can be lowered, so please be thankful for them as theyre giving the community something good. Dont diss them as a cheap or brand them as if they dont wanna support the translator.
as far as i know rich people dont talk crap bout spending and diss people for not spending...
Only those "new money" that is doing this low class act..
Ive post this in the first thread that Qi open up about premium features and i dont want this to get buried. Put this up again as i hope Qidian can improve as i dont deny it i read qi everyday as i read ww,grav,volare...
Guys.. you all that support qi for premium features, u do realize that this is INTERNET.. people will and always have back doors for whatever... hell!! even porn in 90s need to be paid, now?? Its free because they realize People keep getting free porn from everywhere else. And now for this "goods" like literature... if qidian keep on pushing people to the edge, at 1 point they will feel "fck it, im gonna go and look from some other places". dont even talk abut supporting the translators or the authors.
Authors have their target income from local, international readers only count a meager penny (dont deny it qi, i read your CEO interview regarding international readers)
Translator income? Well this is a very delicate things to discuss.. i dont want to touch that forbidden area,
BUT i hope all qidian translator read this.., you all are at company side so dont give your opinion or comment in here, because thats not your job. I have my own company and i know what my workers should be doing, and who should do the PR work. Thats the consequences when you join qi, if its website like ww,grav,volare, all the translator have their own right to voice their opinion in where the website going. I dont wanna offend translator because i really do respect and appreciate the hard work but you guys shouldnt forget how you all start from those websites or even blogspot and what community have put you guys above, if theres no grav and cktalon/legge mass releasing im really superstar and TMW until gravity website crash (someone donated hundreds of dollars) NO ONE will know who cktalon/legge is. so please respect the community by not joining this muddy waters.
Back to qi premium,
Im just a fans i dont mind spending ss or donating to translators, having lots of ads in website (heck its internet) but by differentiating the cost of chapter by using words count is a dick move, this is my most concern in this premium features. And please change your business model.. its freaking 2018, majority readers here are new readers that will follow u, but once they integrated to the community they will realise theres a lot of way to read book, and thats where u will lost. And once again remember we all international readers dont have great wall in our internet so we all are free where we wanna go.
Yes of course im afraid of death.. but we all know.. people come and go.. try my best as a decent human being and live a full life
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL at least give an answer... so we know where is the line or what is his mistake..
Bunch of noobs all around
LeechesOfSoul expired invite link gan..
Wakaaka siap ndan!
LeechesOfSoul sebenernya banyak cara buat bc judul yg bersangkutan ampe selesai tp sengsara sih hahahaha pake yg diubah mesin bukunya... ini sengaja ngomongnya begini karna takut di block ama yg punya forum... enaknya kalo ada discord channel buat kumpulan org indo yg suka baca hehehe
86 ndan! Ada perintah?
Guys.. you all that support qi for premium features, u do realize that this is INTERNET.. people will and always have back doors for whatever... hell!! even porn in 90s need to be paid, now?? Its free because they realize People keep getting free porn from everywhere else. And now for this "goods" like literature... if qidian keep on pushing people to the edge, at 1 point they will feel "fck it, im gonna go and look from some other places". dont even talk abut supporting the translators or the authors.
Authors have their target income from local, international readers only count a meager penny (dont deny it qi, i read your CEO interview regarding international readers)
Translator income? Well this is a very delicate things to discuss.. i dont want to touch that forbidden area,
BUT i hope all qidian translator read this.., you all are at company side so dont give your opinion or comment in here, because thats not your job. I have my own company and i know what my workers should be doing, and who should do the PR work. Thats the consequences when you join qi, if its website like ww,grav,volare, all the translator have their own right to voice their opinion in where the website going. I dont wanna offend translator because i really do respect and appreciate the hard work but you guys shouldnt forget how you all start from those websites or even blogspot and what community have put you guys above, if theres no grav and cktalon/legge mass releasing im really superstar and TMW until gravity website crash (someone donated hundreds of dollars) NO ONE will know who cktalon/legge is. so please respect the community by not joining this muddy waters.
Back to qi premium,
Im just a fans i dont mind spending ss or donating to translators, having lots of ads in website (heck its internet) but by differentiating the cost of chapter by using words count is a dick move, this is my most concern in this premium features. And please change your business model.. its freaking 2018, majority readers here are new readers that will follow u, but once they integrated to the community they will realise theres a lot of way to read book, and thats where u will lost. And once again remember we all international readers dont have great wall in our internet so we all are free where we wanna go.
JayRs thanks, we'll see if its worth it.. as every chaps have different price of ss, u can imagine paying chapter and all u got is a filler LOL it feels like a roulette everytime you click to pay as u only can read 3-4lines and the rest got hidden., (dont get me wrong, have no problem spending as long as its worth it)
Hi, i just wanna be sure... RTW is in premium now,,, lets say RTW is in chapter 300 right now... from then on we need to pay for each chapter by using stone, and every week translator release (example number) 10 chapter... if i wait till like 2 month (8 weeks = 80chaps) the current chapter is at 380,
Do i still need to pay to read chapter 301?
(Please reply my post so i can get the notification for this reply..)
Thank you.
Very2 hard who to pick....i think im gonna choose,
Gate of Revelation MC ; Chen Xiao Lian.
(But i still need to mention this MC too LOL, Grandmaster Strategist ; Jiang Zhe)
33 yo, still reading.... hell even i read jun jiuling,hidden marriage etc etc. i enjoy the ride, even though lots of my friends give me a rolling eyes whenever they saw me read at office or at coffee house.
Well anyway at the end of the day, we all agree that we love and enjoy reading this chinese novels, be it good or bad... and as i said now qidian is going international,, i hope the Authors is more aware that they have fans all over the globe and toned down the nationalism/racism (depends in who's perspective)
100$ pay to lnmtl. U get the whole books. As u said u dont mind spending
+1 i will apply as the guy thats always guarding the martial art collection building AKA bank security guard.. LOL