This is off-topic... but I'm annoyed that the link to the forums section was changed from Jianghu to Forum
But I'm too lazy to create a Diss thread hahaha
One of the young master in early chapters that gets trashed and face slapped by the peasant MC
Lvl 3 here. Gonna spit on ur arrogant corpse...
i was level 3, until i found my OP cheat ability along with my OP treasured item.
NOW im level 13. : )
Im practically on a different higher realm unlike you peasants posting in this thread.
Daoist_Surritos forgive me ur majesty, could i be ur servant. all i need is cultivation books.
Olivia Woah! That's so cool! Their eyes are following my cursor!
zswaleh Me too, i have been LVL 4 since 2 days ago.
deikatsuo How??
I've now reached the realm of Morning Star Magi !!
Spirit Severing Cultivator of the Paragon Immortal Realm !!
Look upon your death, mortals... and despair !!!
(Ooops, I think this line is for a different thread... but nevermind. haha)
You all read a chapter and commented. What a big road, with heavy obstacles too.
Lol the classism is real
Paperplane They merely wish to display their strength by cultivating parlour tricks that are of no use in this place!