Myumara I mean you should count how many fanfic, not just naruto, in top 200 rank
This site is turning into a trash can...
The federal law establishes the age of 12 as the minimum age of consent, while the age at which there are no restrictions for consensual sexual activities is 18 (sex with someone 12-18 is not illegal per se, but can still be open to prosecution under certain circumstances).
SweetsTomato Oh, when your novel is ranked #6 you don't have to scroll that low so I'm not sure. But its definitely less than novels that have nothing to do with Naruto.
Myumara yes, I'm not read yours because I'm not naruto fan, just know naruto.
If you borrow, even only a dime, it's still called borrowing, right?
Even you not write the whole main character, you still use something from naruto story right?
That enough to including your story into naruto fan fiction
Myumara Like @SweetsTomato said,
SweetsTomato Well, I agree with that coz fanfic build on already established reader, easier getting reader. Compared with original which start from scratch that whole different. So, for fairness, I agree on rank separation
This is the ease of getting new readers... what your comment,
Myumara If that was the case, Naruto is the best selling book in the world yet only my novel is in top 10. Your logic is flawed.
actually references it the other side of the coin, keeping readers. While it is easier to get readers for a fanfic, due to there already being a fan base, it is harder to keep those same readers... now you may ask why? That's simple, if a fanfic does not hold to the fans standards (for many fans, that means holding to the original story), then they will drop the novel faster than one could say 'but'. Whereas, once a reader gets past chapter 5 in an original, it is a lot less likely for them to drop the novel. So does that clarify things for the both of you? @SweetsTomato? @Myumara?
SweetsTomato I can say that every novel that has elves and magic is a copy of Lord of the Rings. Most novels even use the same levels of cultivation with some sort of sword or spear.
It's 2018, nothing is original anymore. Naruto is a different form of literature from LoTR, but I can easily say most Fantasy novels are a LoTR Fanfic too.
Your story has a mech? Gundam fanfic
Cultivation? Every Chinese novel did it first.
I personally wish the sections were broken down like this...
Originals (this section consists of novels that are not directly based on other novels and are not translates)
FanFictions (this section consists of novels that are based on another novel, and do not contradict the original in any way)
Translations (this section consists of novels that are translated from other novels)
I know that the first and third sections already exist
Parodies (this section consists of novels that are commonly called fanfictions, but contradict the original in some way or another (or just completely ignore it))
I also know that this last one will never happen
the list is in the order of my reading preference, but that is just what I read most often... I enjoy most novels I read about equally.;,;.
DeJeL People who like Lord of the rings will like fantasy stories.
People who like star wars/trek will like Scifi novels more.
People who like anime will like fanfics.
I can say every novel is a copy of something else because someone did it first.
Your cultivation novel mentions Nacent soul? Its a copy of desolate era then.
Your novel uses magic? Copy of wizard world.
Myumara nope, I don't use mech or cultivation.satisfied?
- Edited
How is every fantasy a 'fanfic' of LoTR? It's not like LoTR is the father of fantasies.
Also, noo.
Well, maybe the cultivation thing, but everything else, NO!
Myumara to said copy is a harsh word, that like accusing plagiarism.
Inspired maybe, copy? No!
@SweetsTomato, please read this too.
Myumara Fanfic is not about the small things that everyone borrows, it is really borrowing the whole world... If you are borrowing a character that makes an actual appearance in the original novel, or the world of the novel itself, it can be called a Fanfic... Yes, if you go based on what you are saying... there are truly not any originals anymore... but, though I borrowed ideas from many other novels to create my novel, I still had to build my world and characters from scratch, so I would say what I wrote was an original work, and if you borrowed the aforementioned things, I would say that your's is a Fanfic.
DeJeL I agree with this.
DeJeL I agree too.
One more thing, elves folktales already spread from ancient era in norsk, Saxon , German.
I said Tolkien borrow that creatures from that folktales
DeJeL I haven't read your story but I just looked at the synopsis.
You can sit here and say you're transported to another world novel is original because you made up a name of a planet or content? If you paint grass red its still grass. You got the idea from somewhere.
Because I don't paint the grass red my story isn't just as original as yours? I call bullshit.
Naruto didn't invent Ninjas or Ninja villages. So I can use that same argument against you.
I agree with SweetsTomato.
Fanfics have a huge starting bonus. Even if you never introduce a single source character, you start out with a potentially large fan base. Little to no effort is required for world building. The readers already know the world, the rules, the cultivation system, etc. You start with a large framework that guides your work. On the flip-side, you have limited long-term appeal if the fandom dies off. You're also restricted to that same framework that guides you.
Original novels start with nothing. Everything must be introduced in steps at a level of detail that explains the world, but doesn't bore the reader. You start with many less fans, but may have better long-term growth potential. You have more freedom in your writing, but also must worry about conforming to the rules you create down the line. Poor planning can cause problems, because the author might not know all the rules at the beginning. They create as them as they go. Then the author can shoot themself in the foot later on.
Each group has strong pros/cons. Neither is necessarily better than the other. However, I think it's obvious they should be separately listed and ranked. Is there even much overlap between the two groups of readers? I've only read original, so I'll admit I'm biased. Anyone should take my view with a grain of salt. However, I imagine most fanfic readers stick to fanfic and most original readers stick to original.
Are there any readers of both fanfic and original novels here, while not being an author? They would be able to present the most unbiased opinion.
You're basically claiming everything ever written is a fanfic. Naruto is an entirely unique world. Everyone who enters is almost guaranteed to have been a Naruto fan (I myself love Naruto!). The readers enter with a certain understanding of the cultivation (chakra system), history (the countries/villages), and the most powerful characters (those with tailed beasts).
It's a little ridiculous to compare that to an entirely fictional planet. The planet could have entirely different laws of physics, species, government, social customs. Yeah, the grass may be red, but the author has to let us know. In Naruto I know the grass is green before I read it.
Oh. One other change I'd like to see. I feel that separate areas should get their own power stones. For example, instead of 3 power stones overall, I think it'd be good if we had 3 for voting on translated, 3 for voting on original, and 3 for voting on fanfic. It'd keep a nice balance between the three categories.
SnoozySloth If I read a cultivation novel I can automatically assume there are manuals, different levels of cultivation, sect are where powerful people gather, the strong people are those who mastered the Dao.
If you are familiar with anything you can expect certain things going in. Nothing is truly original anymore.
Fantasy novel? I can assume people join an adventures guild, elves are swift and good as magic, kings have powerful mages under their control and beautiful daughters, demons and bearskin probably exsist and are discriminated against.
So yes, everything is a copy of each other at this point. Warlock of the magic world COPIED wizzard world yet people like WmW BETTER.
Can you honestly say nothing in your novel is copied from something else?