You have a fanfic bias. I have an original bias. I admitted that before debating. I didn't use actual lines from my novel. I'm also not saying fanfic is easier or harder to write, except for world building. Since the world is already built in fanfic.
Both types have unique challenges, pros, and cons. I can respect your opinion that they should not be separated, though I disagree with it. I also think erotica should be separate, which others disagreed with. People don't have to agree on everything. That being said, it's dumb to claim everything ever is a fanfic.
Out of curiosity. Would you be for or against combining all of it into one then? If original/fanfic shouldn't be separated, then logically speaking, translated novels shouldn't either. We would all see our novels plummet in ranking drastically. If you're okay with that then your point stands on it's own legs regardless of whether anyone agrees or not. If you don't agree with it then you're a hypocrite.