KrauzerII Erm... I think is a bit wrong. The current trend had moved from System novel toward... "Erotica".
Actually the contest had made System a bit out of date. However the system is the easiest novel to get popularity.
For example: Sex System, as a reader you can know what is inside. Harem System, City Building System, Princess System, Manager System, Idol System, etc. As a reader, would you try to read for example: Endless Universes?
If this Rabbink want to use Arrogant Young Master System, perhaps this Rabbink could be more popular. Title already made a difference. However, my 'system' is not pure system... So this Rabbink didn't dare to use that word. System had this advantage from the title alone.
Even in RR, LitRPG is the winner. While Wattpad is Vampire/Werewolf Romance.
Webnovel readers like System but lately it seems Erotica for male readers. For female readers, Modern Romance Drama is still the popular.
An author make a novel based on their 'favorite' genre. Since most started as a reader, you can imagine. They would write what they like. Therefore system novels rose. Author publish because they want to be read, so that was another point for system novel. Because it guarantee readers,
That is why System is popular. MOST reader want it, MOST author want it. When there are too many, a new trend will appear. However, it took times. It is hard to continue to write while your novel unpopular. Especially if you find 'troll'.
Transmigrated. Actually this is because self-replacement cheating.
It is easier for a story if it is started from earth. Try to read Book of Author if you want to know. A good story will make a reader could self-replace oneself into a MC fast. (I have a bad time because of this. My MC is bad). Therefore you can see, the MC was perfect. Perhaps started bad, but become perfect. Most MC had a good 'trait' like hardwork, ambitious, since 'you want to become like the MC'. Then you get what every man dream. Power and Woman. That is webnovel. Selling you wish fulfillment.
Have you dream you were a MC in a comic/superhero in movie? That is a good example of successful self replacement.
Transmigration is the easiest cheat to make reader could replace a hero, since we all lived in earth. Try to read 'Book of Author' even if you are not an author. You will learn the 'TRICK' of authors. My do you saw those 'annoying repetitive trick'. You can see that. It is because this tricks works.
If you want, you can start writing and make a new originality.