I know what you mean. But normally I'm too fucking flirty...
Like even just to random friends, I am flirty as a humorous thing, and if you think THAT'S too much...
Then you don't wanna know how I am to someone I actually like. I am too much sometimes.
Which normally fails but I don't really feel bothered with failures because I know one day I'll be fine...
And I'm in no rush whatsoever.
But the one thing, I'm no good at is explaining that my flirty-ness isn't like me trying to be sexual.
Cause people misunderstand me a lot, and it gets very awkward...
So most of the time, I force myself to chill out and explain first. But even so, like, I just trigger men too much.
Not even trying to, cause my humor is just sexual in general. It happens.
I've just like... accepted that it's something that will happen and just whatever. Fuck it.