Cilliez One time I told my friend I liked this guy

Yeah, if I liked someone, I would never ever tell another soul. I wouldn't even whisper it in my mind.

    I never confess to anyone, I just like to slowly make it known through random flirtation and constant pestering. Until it seems mutual for both of us and I go "wheres this going" and then yeah lol. Traditional confessions are so annoying it puts everyone on the spot and then its like you have to give it a chance or you're a jerk OR you're forcing one of the parties to act on something they never even thought of.

    Neverfire7 I don't think you have to say an L word until you put a ring on it. Then it's like mandatory, but anything before then can be expressed through the language of love.
    you figure out what you're crushes love language is and you just keep speaking to her, she will naturally feel that and might start giving some back. Once she's kissed you back you know she likes you and anything further one of you has to grow a pair and do a DTR(a.k.a "Wheres this going?" "Is this exclusive? Should we tell other people?" "What do I call you now?" I usually ask that last one right after the first kiss)

      Flaffy I think it'd be cool to mutually fall in love with someone and never say the words until we both knew that the words are completely meaningless in front of the actual thing... I don't think I explained that properly...


        I know what you mean. But normally I'm too fucking flirty...

        Like even just to random friends, I am flirty as a humorous thing, and if you think THAT'S too much...

        Then you don't wanna know how I am to someone I actually like. I am too much sometimes.

        Which normally fails but I don't really feel bothered with failures because I know one day I'll be fine...

        And I'm in no rush whatsoever.

        But the one thing, I'm no good at is explaining that my flirty-ness isn't like me trying to be sexual.

        Cause people misunderstand me a lot, and it gets very awkward...

        So most of the time, I force myself to chill out and explain first. But even so, like, I just trigger men too much.

        Not even trying to, cause my humor is just sexual in general. It happens.

        I've just like... accepted that it's something that will happen and just whatever. Fuck it.

          Neverfire7 Cilliez See I have a more reserved personality so for me, I literally do not talk to anyone unless they have something to do with me. It's very easy to tell someone I like them by simply saying "I'm talking to you aren't i?" or "you should be grateful I even came here" it's my way of saying "I love coming here!" or "I love talking to you!". Most people can pick up on it after they see how I treat other people aside from them. Though if anyone felt froggy and jumped the gun to confess the traditional way I might just faint! lol

            I'm just too honest for my own good.

            And my brain is filled with horrible sexual flirty puns and jokes.

            So that stuff gets out on it's own.

            Normally it just makes it 10 times easier to flirt with someone I actually like though.

            Also, if I like someone, I don't normally say it. But your name will appear numerous times in my sketchbook.

            Which can be a good memory/present, if the relationship works out.

            Normally, they just end up like awkward drawings in the future when it didn't work out...

            But I don't punish my art for a bad relationship, so I'll keep the drawings anyways.

            Just not the feelings of the relationship, those get left deeply abandoned in my heart. To never be seen again.


              I'm reserved too though!

              I'm an ambivert though so it goes both ways for me. I don't talk to most people anymore, but when I did talk to people/when I do talk to people. I can be very extroverted, and if it so happens that someone sees me in my introverted times then that's when they know that I like them cause I get very shy... And often won't speak/look at them. They would not even think I knew they exist. And until we were to talk, then I would be extroverted again.

              But again, they're lucky if they see me that way. I think my friends work with the understanding that I can be introverted but that I just normally aren't. I get very bubbly around people because I love them. :x


                A good way to confess without actually confessing is if they ask to see my sketchbook, I just let em go at it.


                Luta penis is known as little brother


                  Killua-kun go back to your family! Mucking about in forums >:Y

                  • Alew replied to this.

                    Cilliez I have came to seek some time with my family right here. I am Killua I'll speak for myself

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