- Edited
I used to be so funny as a kid though, I'd trick guys...
Like one time I had drawn a picture with this guys name, and he was like OH I SEE IT! And was in the process of calling his friends over to show it to them when I sneakingly erased the name straight off the paper. When he came over and tried to show it to everyone, the name wasn't there. And I played it cool, like, what are you talking about???
Poor guy... Now that I think about it, he probably felt so proud of himself and then I just ate at the confidence he had just been given... I was so smooth.
One time I told my friend I liked this guy, and so she told him and he came up to me in lunch and in front of everyone he told me that there was no way he'd ever like me back... I was like, okay... o-o...
I think he meant to hurt me emotionally, but I wasn't bothered. After which I never let the girl sit next to me in lunch, and whenever I brought cookies to class, they wouldn't get any. You don't get my niceness if you're gonna try to bother me, I probably thought.