Hello friends, I made this publication mainly to know the age of the fans in this great community of "light novels", I am 27 years old and the question about the million dollars would be: Am I too old to read light novels? Personally, I think not! muahahahahaha !!!! If I were 50 years old, I would still read "light novels", but I hope to find more brothers of my age to join this adventure hehehehe!!
Am I too old to read light novels?
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Armand_Targaryen I feel like it depends on the light novel. You're just 2 years too old to read a novel with a bunch of mogul mofuing but because your over 25 you're more qualified to read these vicious cultivation novels than anyone younger.
These vicious novels are fine for 50 year olds...look at how many read maximum ride and the hunger games knowing damn well they fall in the category, Young Adult Fiction and yet.
These are just my honest opinions I mean look at all the old people who go to comic con...who still read comic books and play video games....R. Kelly is 50 and I bet he still plays some video games. Though he is also a pervert who likes to do freaky shit with children. Bad example....uh maybe the geniuses from the big bang theory they all have happy lives and love comic books....Though Raj is not so happy and Stewart who owns the comic book store is a mega loser so....it could go both ways for you.
Flaffy you are evil as always, but I still feel your support hehehehehe
I resent that! I am not evil....yet...
Flaffy jejejeje bro, how old are you?
Armand_Targaryen nope,i'm 29 and in about a month,it gonna be 30 yrs old..
suzuka jejejeje my brother!!! I am not alone >_<
Flaffy wow, you're lying to me, ¬¬ you're 64 years old :p
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Armand_Targaryen not true...It's too late for him he's practically already past the threshold.
You can still resist, its not too late for you to change your ways. You could end up with a really pretty blonde and get married like Leonard in the big bang theory.
However it's only a toss of coin with the road you're traveling now.
Armand_Targaryen Aww come now don't be jealous, it's unbecoming to be jealous of youth.
Flaffy yes yes, young man, as you see me, you will see yourself, little friend hehehehe, just wait a few more years
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Armand_Targaryen That my dear friend is impossible, you have miscalculated. I plan to be preggers in a few years. These eggs don't last forever and I got big plans for em. So you see its impossible for me to see myself as I see you now, as you are not pregnant and if I guess right, are biologically incapable of impregnation.
Flaffy jajajajajaja
This thread is becoming old...
but I don't see why there should be an age limit. I'm sure even kids would like it and elders alike.
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You're too old dude cause most readers i know are 12-15 years old .
Armand_Targaryen As long as you won't be mentally injured...
No one is too old for reading lol