The_Bum it is currently translated by wuxiaworld
Novels you wish Qidian would translate
Romance of Dragons and Snakes
Current Translation:
190 chapters at present (190/510), release has slowed down. Perhaps abandoned.
Original publisher is Qidian.
Present plot available... Other than some plot holes, It is excellent!
Downsides are some scenes with poor grammar and what some would consider racism/cultural slander... On the latter... It is a novel, skins come in many colors, just like personalities... And Qidians release rates...
So long as one is mature enough to know it is a novel, the "racism" should be of little concern.
Novelupdates description is a spoiler... so... This novel is based in modern China with a center around primarily Chinese martial arts and two characters (It's a pity I don't know the Chinese characters for Dragon and Snake...) Hence the apt title.
ANYONE who has a fascination or appreciation for martial arts should find enjoyment in this novel.
CelebdAngmar Sounds very promising despite not being fully translated maybe even dropped. I now gotta read all of it and hopefully not gouge my eyes out for not having more to read.
- Edited
"Evil natured husband , don't tease" is a great book with good romance. It would be great if it got translated. It's original publisher was qidain .I have checked it with novel updates.
Chief husband, too mensao
An unyielding wind
The general's little peasent wife
Eternal life
Single player only would be a nice addition to the other genere, it is currently being intermittently translated by alyschu, but I would like to see it gain more popularity here.
TearsOfRose Yes, definitely worth it...
I think that the translation was coming to the end of what we may consider an arc. So... Ugh. If Qidian could do 5ch a week it would be amazing! Do you have any idea how they decide what to pick up? Also, I guess they need to confirm whether it is abandoned...
nila Not sure about structured releases however... The current translator for that is still active as of two weeks(?) ago.
Pearless Martial Artist
please translate it
Its a very good novel. A new take on reincarnation.
I know HTK isn't Qidian, but I wish they would get liscence to translate that into English from Zongheng so that we wouldn't have to be plagued with inconsistent upload, unstable site, and redirecting to a page to redirect you to halved chapters so that one chapter gives him three chapters worth of ad revenue. I am a shameless leecher? True. But my shamelessness only appears in front of shameless people too. :)
Dang if the translator saw this post, he might go ballistic. XD. Must prepare my bunker.
sword spirit or bringing the farm to another world
The Crimson Dragon
Dominating sword immortal
If possible Virtual World: Close Combat Mage
King of Mercenaries
good novel, if you like Release that Witch, Tales of the Reincarnated Lord and Genjitsushugisha no Oukokukaizouki u will like it too.
here the sequel, European rise
the sequel is still ongoing