Zhevons I completely agree. However I am unfortunately one of those idiots who keeps digging his hole deeper. Im aware but I cant drop these stories that I enjoy. It's a bittersweet feeling.

QI does not value its readers and customers. They only treat us as cash cows for the guilible and loyal people. If they dont treat us with respect, then they dont deserve our respect. I really wish there was a way to face slap them like they do in the novels.

At this point, if they are somehow able to get sued and have a class action lawsuit against them, I feel blackhearted enough to jump on this bandwagon. I feel angry enough to destroy this rip off sect down to the roots to stop this evil sect from turning more people into soul slaves.

Actually man your right about the scam part
WN is a scam, there are dozens of other sites that earn money from ad revenue and patreon but WN had to get its own in house currency which is overpriced as hell. Its It's seriously a waste of money paying qidian cuase its a terrible service. They dont quality check their TL or promise a steady release rate while commuting with their readers. There only difference between qidian and the hundreds of other sites out there is that qidian is horribly hated/overpriced etc. Lets not even mention qidian stealing others TL so you basically paying qidian for something thats not theirs. And ive now basically just summed up why most of the novel community just pirates instead of paying qidian

Point A-C are subjective and can't be used to determine the value of a book. There are too many other factors involved and I didn't deny that most CN are bad or repetitive but if someone is willing to read then pay the apporpriate price. "Hey that book is full of shi1, give it to me for 2dollar," "Hey, your books sounds decent, I will pay you 8 dollars, be grateful!"
Point D: you lucky one. I would have to pay 23 euro on amazon for that same book. Or 18 for kindle (dont have kindle). Where is justice now?
But again, you are comparing your definition of what a great book is to its price and project that on other books. But this way to determine a value of a book is not realiable. Simply put,
I still think that CN aren't overpriced objectively as books (book series). Would I pay the money for these CN? Of course not! Except for those rare gems (WMW, Er Gen novels, some others) I wouldn't do so as most CN simply aren't that unique or good.

    Thats really shi1 if they dont consider the economical situation of your country and expect you to pay the same amount in usd !


      All their novel is overprice and lack Quality............ some novel start good but due to QI wanted it to be prolong they prolong the story in which the novel lost QUALITY..................


      First book on the uk site, which is same market as the eu overall. So I would like to know which version of amazon has the first book for 23 euro that is not a hardcover copy.

      Second. I do understand your point, I even agree to it to a point. But you stating its not overpriced can not be defended. The reason is this: LN are nothing but entertainment, in this case written entertainment. In our market its compeditor is mainly Amazon. And compared to Amazon, on word count alone its way way way more expensive then even authors like Robert Jordan, David Webster. Or since Harry Potter was used as an example.

      Thats the whole of Harry Potter, for less then 40 Pounds. Page count is 3300 ish The first book of the Wheel of time was over 200 000 words for around 700 pages. That means this is around 4-5 times as long. Lets for fun say its 900 000 words. The price they charge for this completed successfull masterwork, and compared to the CN LN is imense. In what way, are LN of a higher quality ? Of what way are they more worthy as entertainment ? Do we get alot of fillers in these books ? Do we get alot of fluff ? I know these points are subjective and alot of masterwork LN's dont have alot of them. But that does not change the fact that alot of novels do have it, and are being priced based on the same system. Word count, so I am targeting only word count on their pricing for now as the baseline for them being overpriced.

      Their only selling feature, is that things gets delivered "daily" or "weekly". Giving us small constant fixes. Its like microtransactions where they want us to keep paying tiny bits for each chapter but a hell of alot over time. I dont mind again spending money, I have bought LN's that has gone up on Amazon, I have bought stones before to feed my addiction, but I managed to get out of the addiction and look at things objectivly and I feel cheated. So if you wish to continue to defend the pricing. Then please give propper argumentation for why it is acceptable to charge more for say Mid Level LN's novels, based on word count alone. Then works like Harry Potter, Wheel of Time etc the MASTERWORKS from this side of the globe among other things. I want to know what makes their work worth so much more, for the level of quality we are getting on average.

      Regarding Spirit Stones itself, its not a bad system. Authors deserve to get payed, the publisher deserve to get payed, translators deserve to get payed. But right now their overcharging. The free SS we are getting a day, is perhaps just enough to read 1 chapter for a longer novel, or 2-3 for a smaler ones. I could create more accounts, but first of that i do feel is a cheat, not what is intended and perhaps against their ToS not recalling. And do they deserve to be listened to on that ? Na, I dont think so not with how their treating the readers. But I still have my own prinsiples and wont make more accounts. But this is a little of topic for my post sorry about that. Lets get back to SS, the free ones. I will continue to get those, but because the amount you get, is only enough to read so limited content, and since it expires after 30 days also. It means I can not save them up for anything. I have to "keep" spending them day by day, log in day by day to get them. So I can follow 1 perhaps 2 novels with that. It does not change that picking up new novels is out of the question, as when they go premium and more and more does rapidly. I cant afford to keep reading them. I have spent around 20 USD a month on Qi the last few months. That has let me "catch up a bit" but i still feel cheated of it. This month I wont, because its simply not worth the money. Your thoughts on this ?

        Apologies, those links do not work. But go to co.uk amazon version, search wheel of time or harry potter and one can find them.

          In last 6days spend over 60$ on SS just to read novels, I already spend it all(ss)...

            Vistarion woah dude, I hope you’re joking or just wealthy enough for it to be pocket change, simple math enough to tell ya it ain’t worth it lol. I could had bought LNs or Manga with that much

              1.Point: I am living in germany. There is no hardcover for the books, only softcover on amazon. I guess I was born in the wrong country :(
              2.Point. You have persuaded me subjectively. CN aren't worth the same as real quality books. "But" there is still a certain amount of work that has been into these works. Something which should be payed appropriately. I don't know if westeners need to pay more for SS than chinese. That would be shit (though translations cause more work, so I guess it gets even).
              I like your example of microtransactions. In the end, the reader needs to act more responsible and not fall into the trap (addiction). Thats the problem, I wouldn't usually read a lot, but on WebNovel everything is basically instantly available similiar to Kindle maybe. I haven't payed yet for Webnovel and won't. Currently spent my SS on The World Online, till it gets finished. I can take care of my "addiction". I have other stuff to do in RL lol. And Grandfather of Champions is still free as well.
              The publisher decides on these prices, which ... I guess are overpriced :) for the reason that high quality CN are put on the same level and price as low quality CN. But then again, who decides what is worth what? That's why Qidian made everything equal (SS per fixed words) and let readers decide where they put their SS on. Which resulted in this conflicting and frustrating feeling/situation I think.

              What if people decided that CN xy was worth less in quality and therefor made the SS cost sink? Then the auhtor would be payed less just because of subjective belives.
              If everything was equal like right now (hypthetical mind experiment), then those CN which are more popular will get payed more for than those lower quality CN. And this could motivate the auhtor to make his or her work better to get more money. Maybe there should be more incentitives for authors in China based on Rankings so as to motivate them more,
              So I think for now the only viable solution is for the reader to focus on only those (s)he is interested in. Maybe paying with free SS in the beginning until SS pay costs are smaller and then to pay with real money (if desire is great enough). Of course everyone wants to read as much as possible as cheap (free) as possible like back in the days but this was just a sweet dream and people need to wake up now and accept it. I think WebNovel will adjust their Pricing Policy overtime when more CN get published, more people begin to read and see how unbalanced everything is. Maybe.

                Paying for these overpriced shitty books should and always be never recommended. Yes there are entertaining books. But with the shitty word count system as a basis for a books value. You can bet that most if not all of these "books" if finished compiled and reduced of all the fillers, I'd expect less than half will remain. I dont mind paying for good services. But this is not it. There are morons enough out there who would gladly pay for these so called service anyway sadly enough.

                whats really anyoing is unlocking the individual chapters constantly one of the things that i liked about qi was reading strait threw without stopping as for the money aspect your right when its just a few hundred chapters its not that big of a deal but these things go on for thousands of chapters and this hurts us and really how much is actualy going to the translators patron works better there are tls that pull 5000 or more a month grated most only get a few hundred but really it comes down to fair pay for the amount of work you done not this endless money grab

                Zhevons I agree somewhat. It's just as u like a number of books. A lot need up going premium some even as early as chapter 40. It does cause ppl to just lose interest because it takes too much so to just finish reading that novel u like. I really don't want all the books to go premium otherwise it's too costly for many of us who just want to enjoy reading the novels.

                  Based on what people are saying., It seems people agree, that the overall issue seems to be that is overpriced. I think everyone agree's its fair that authors, translators and distributers all gets a fair cut. The question I need to ask is, why do people think that QI here is sticking to a price that seems way over market price, not communicating with the "customer base" and finaly any suggestions to how this can be overcome in a Win Win situation for all parties ? Because to me for any realistic situation that seems to be a must.

                    Zhevons I think the main issues are the lack of a direct communication line between WN readers and QI and the authors, as well as differences in the market that they don't understand. If we had a community representative that could properly explain the issues directly, I think it could go a long way for resolving the issues. As it is now, we go through WN staff, and I think they don't have a direct line to the authors and other relevant parties either...

                    Every step in the communication process makes it less effective, which is why I think a monthly meeting which includes a community rep, QI staff, WN staff, a translator rep and an author rep would be ideal. That way, all parties can present their interests and the problems they have and perhaps reach a compromise where everyone is happy.

                    Zhevons Chinese people are the most shameless people you can find. I can be the prove of this. They will scam, suck you dry, and grab all your money in anyway possible. Just do what I do. Make 2 or 3 accounts. And I get free SS a total of around 20-30 SS everyday. I wait until it is going to expire in 5 days and use as many spirit stone I have saved. Then I repeat that process. I can be 100% sure you won’t have a problem with SS anymore. I have 1 account on iPad, 1 account on phone, and thinking of getting 1 account on laptop and 1 account on my desktop computer.

                      i'm just going to find pirate websites to read the premium novels

                      WN already left a massive loophole on the SS problem, it's up to you if the SS problem would remain. You could either abuse the bug or pay for SS. Ranting won't solve your problems. You're not the first lazy mofo that whined about it, there are at least two or 3 that would rant in the forum everyday. Take the hint, they won't change the price.


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