First book on the uk site, which is same market as the eu overall. So I would like to know which version of amazon has the first book for 23 euro that is not a hardcover copy.
Second. I do understand your point, I even agree to it to a point. But you stating its not overpriced can not be defended. The reason is this: LN are nothing but entertainment, in this case written entertainment. In our market its compeditor is mainly Amazon. And compared to Amazon, on word count alone its way way way more expensive then even authors like Robert Jordan, David Webster. Or since Harry Potter was used as an example.
Thats the whole of Harry Potter, for less then 40 Pounds. Page count is 3300 ish The first book of the Wheel of time was over 200 000 words for around 700 pages. That means this is around 4-5 times as long. Lets for fun say its 900 000 words. The price they charge for this completed successfull masterwork, and compared to the CN LN is imense. In what way, are LN of a higher quality ? Of what way are they more worthy as entertainment ? Do we get alot of fillers in these books ? Do we get alot of fluff ? I know these points are subjective and alot of masterwork LN's dont have alot of them. But that does not change the fact that alot of novels do have it, and are being priced based on the same system. Word count, so I am targeting only word count on their pricing for now as the baseline for them being overpriced.
Their only selling feature, is that things gets delivered "daily" or "weekly". Giving us small constant fixes. Its like microtransactions where they want us to keep paying tiny bits for each chapter but a hell of alot over time. I dont mind again spending money, I have bought LN's that has gone up on Amazon, I have bought stones before to feed my addiction, but I managed to get out of the addiction and look at things objectivly and I feel cheated. So if you wish to continue to defend the pricing. Then please give propper argumentation for why it is acceptable to charge more for say Mid Level LN's novels, based on word count alone. Then works like Harry Potter, Wheel of Time etc the MASTERWORKS from this side of the globe among other things. I want to know what makes their work worth so much more, for the level of quality we are getting on average.
Regarding Spirit Stones itself, its not a bad system. Authors deserve to get payed, the publisher deserve to get payed, translators deserve to get payed. But right now their overcharging. The free SS we are getting a day, is perhaps just enough to read 1 chapter for a longer novel, or 2-3 for a smaler ones. I could create more accounts, but first of that i do feel is a cheat, not what is intended and perhaps against their ToS not recalling. And do they deserve to be listened to on that ? Na, I dont think so not with how their treating the readers. But I still have my own prinsiples and wont make more accounts. But this is a little of topic for my post sorry about that. Lets get back to SS, the free ones. I will continue to get those, but because the amount you get, is only enough to read so limited content, and since it expires after 30 days also. It means I can not save them up for anything. I have to "keep" spending them day by day, log in day by day to get them. So I can follow 1 perhaps 2 novels with that. It does not change that picking up new novels is out of the question, as when they go premium and more and more does rapidly. I cant afford to keep reading them. I have spent around 20 USD a month on Qi the last few months. That has let me "catch up a bit" but i still feel cheated of it. This month I wont, because its simply not worth the money. Your thoughts on this ?