Serious question, webnovel. Do you ever plan on fucking separating originals and fanfictions? Do you??

Can I please read originals in safe and peace, without jumping into fucking retards writing shitty ostriches trying to act cool in Naruto world or something?! Can I?! Please?!

On a serious note, can I hear when you're going to commence the separation? The massive and redundant fanfiction section of webnovel is being detrimental to its original section; it's more like you people are shooting yourself in the foot by killing off originals that could've stood in the top 20 for their ideas and writing—if not for those fanfictions of course.

I'm not kidding you, it's not like I have a grudge of hatred against them or something. It's literally tiring to read stuff that is barely coherent and doesn't have even a little bit of plot(who the fuck am I kidding, most of them steal from the original plot line anyway)

Orginals should always be original, I don't want to hear how hard or tiring writing fanfiction is. I don't want FANFICTIONS with hundreds and thousands of stock fans in a section filled with newbies writing new novels.

Here's an idea, ban all of these bastion of yellow-haired ninja-ghouls to their original domain(, or more simply(because I know you won't ban them due to those sweet,sweet ad revenue) fucking separate and create another voting system for the fanfictions, because I don't want another low-effort fanfiction to climb up to the 80th ranking in a week.

If I was rich, I'd sue all of you fanfiction writers for wasting my time due to writing this, and for exposing me to content that makes one violent.

Make all originals great again

    Fucking retards are now going to come and say how I'm wrong and stuff. For fucks sake, can't I just, as a reader, demand for the original section to contain just original stories??!

    I don't fucking care about your dip-shit nostalgia, or how you wanted to fucking see the storyline branch off from its original route. I. Do. not. care.

    Qidian, please create something like

      Daoisthentai lol.. yeah... hahaha made me laugh... i agree though ... but i dont have your amount if hatred..... im to tired to hate lol

      but yeah... honestly for fanfictions of all kinds they should stay in sites like FFNET and Archive of our own....

      hey here are some sites from the top of my head... cant remember all of them so wont be listed everything

      Most Fictions go to here FFNET while predominantly containing naruto/harry potter/twilight fanfics, it accepts any and all fanfics of any titles from anime-manga-books-comics and even TV.

      Fantasy fanfics for titles like Isekai and other RPG related things go to here royalroadl its a hub for reincarnated/isekai and most of all LitRPG oriented stories .

      Fanfics heavily focusing on heavy topics such as realism in the world of fiction, or titles that the mainstream does not follow such "worm", "game of thrones", "war hammer", "star craft", "xcom" etc.. you post it in the space battles and sufficient velocity forums warning-dont post here if your a newb. expect heavy criticism if coming in with low motivation as a FF author.

      For erotic FF and the like go to adult fanfiction org the name says it all

      honorable mention to archive of our own another ff site that contains all types of fandoms and TV Tropes FF recommendations section for a place to go to when you want good quality fanfics.

      sorry for not posting links... if you can go to this site means you have access to google and i dont really want to post links promoting other sites that offer the same kinds of service as the site im posting this on.... lol even though i still do it...HA!

        Daoisthentai im not to worried... people that are gonna roast us for our opinions about FF here at this site will be just from newbies that dont know what they are talking about.... so yeah i can ignore those types of roasting and laugh inside with a sneer.....

        whew i felt like some 3rd rate wuxia villain there for a sec

          Gyihhuhu_ while there are mods that are gonna see this and maybe take it under consideration....

          all i can say is that it will take a long time for them to implement... i dont know why? maybe incompetence or a lack of manpower...
          but when people kept suggesting something to change... it took half a year to see the results.
          im talking bout the reading themes... yeah earliest suggestion was half a year before any changes where made... and it wasnt even that big of a change... just a color swap for Christ sake.....

          but yeah heres hoping that the more we keep pushing the faster it gets implemented

          Daoisthentai Man I have been saying this for awhile now! While I may not mind a fan fic every once in awhile as long as it is well written they have no place in the original novel section. Hell just labeling them original should be grounds for a law suit. Unfortunately until they find time to fit this fix into an update we have to suffer seeing as they aint gonna waste the money to have a special update done for just this.

          The deffinition of ORIGINAL: created directly and personally by a particular artist; not a copy or imitation.
          The definition of FAN FICTION: fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, movie, etc.

          See what is wrong here.


            Well, you can't reason with some people. Some of them even say that our argument that original and fanfiction are not similar is wrong. They say that even we aren't writing original ones, due to drawing inspiration and world building from Chinese and Japanese novels.

              Not to mention these idiots doing Marvel fan fictions. They need to think it through seeing as now Disney has their fingers in Marvels pie with how quick Disney is to sue people who infringe upon their rights letting people stick an original tag on a Marvel fan fiction is like begging to be sued.

                yep... its one of the biggest reason why there are few good marvel ffs out there...... now dont get me wrong... there are still alot of them but those can be ignored as there are only a handfull of goodones that really warrant attention

                  Gyihhuhu_ Drawing inspiration from another source is one thing professionals do it all the time. Hell Stephen King states he drew inspiration from the poem "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came" by Robert Browning as well as Lord of the Rings, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, as well as the Autherian Legend for his Dark Tower series. It is a completely different thing to blatantly copy 99% of a source and only add a few original character and minor changes to the plot line.

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