Revive this post

- Dec 20, 2018
- Joined Sep 12, 2018
FujiCigarette and yes, which fanfic was that review/comment from?
FujiCigarette I believe qidian will now be known as the 1st largest
shitholeplatform for fanfiction. Because I think the people that read fanfics here barely know about the existence of other fanfiction platforms.YES
R e v i v e
uses revive potion on thread
Do you people literally have no other job to do? Threads like these are made every hour, it's not like webnovel took them into consideration so why would they take yours?
A g a I n
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I'm also a friend of the wrote-a-fanfic-for-the-lulz author here, coming here with an alternate account of course.
Thought this claim doesn't have proof? Bitch I'll let you know I have proof.
The biggest spike on the collection was straight on the first day.
Don't fucking let this thread die.
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Come on men, we can't let this thread die! I watched tens and tens of sublime writers fall below the 100s when fanfictions became famous here, and I guarantee, I will fucking file a lawsuit if that happens.
On a serious note, if anyone is actually willing to do so, it's actually possible to file a lawsuit.Lawsuit because of misappropriation of words, yes, you've heard me right. Filing fanfictions under a section called "original" is just short for funneling kerosene into your ass, webnovel.
Hey mods, where are you? @CKtalon
Aren't you a mod or something? Can you help this post get stickied?
Believe me, I'm elated to see someone agree. But prepare for the pitchforks, my brudda.
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Fucking retards are now going to come and say how I'm wrong and stuff. For fucks sake, can't I just, as a reader, demand for the original section to contain just original stories??!
I don't fucking care about your dip-shit nostalgia, or how you wanted to fucking see the storyline branch off from its original route. I. Do. not. care.
Qidian, please create something like
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Serious question, webnovel. Do you ever plan on fucking separating originals and fanfictions? Do you??
Can I please read originals in safe and peace, without jumping into fucking retards writing shitty ostriches trying to act cool in Naruto world or something?! Can I?! Please?!
On a serious note, can I hear when you're going to commence the separation? The massive and redundant fanfiction section of webnovel is being detrimental to its original section; it's more like you people are shooting yourself in the foot by killing off originals that could've stood in the top 20 for their ideas and writing—if not for those fanfictions of course.
I'm not kidding you, it's not like I have a grudge of hatred against them or something. It's literally tiring to read stuff that is barely coherent and doesn't have even a little bit of plot(who the fuck am I kidding, most of them steal from the original plot line anyway)
Orginals should always be original, I don't want to hear how hard or tiring writing fanfiction is. I don't want FANFICTIONS with hundreds and thousands of stock fans in a section filled with newbies writing new novels.
Here's an idea, ban all of these bastion of yellow-haired ninja-ghouls to their original domain(, or more simply(because I know you won't ban them due to those sweet,sweet ad revenue) fucking separate and create another voting system for the fanfictions, because I don't want another low-effort fanfiction to climb up to the 80th ranking in a week.
If I was rich, I'd sue all of you fanfiction writers for wasting my time due to writing this, and for exposing me to content that makes one violent.
Make all originals great again
I'd rather not read any of his novels sorry...