So, a friend of mine wrote a fan-fic of Naruto for the lols and just a test to see what the results would be. He wrote one 14k word chapter and then split it into seven pieces. He uploaded each chapter after one hour... Can you guess the results of such a test? This all happened in quite a short period of time, mind you.

137 collections. 21k views. 14k words. 7 chapters.

WTH M8? That is a bit too op isn't it? I remember it took around three times as many chaps as that just to get like 100 collection on my FoTD... We really need another section for all the Fan-fics. This crap is B.S. It can get in the top 100s while normal authors work their asses off just to get the same results.

By no means do I hate fan-fics (I lied, I really hate them) but we need this to chill down a bit. Those fan-fics do no actual work and use the other's crap to make the characters. Though there are some novels that only have things like the abilities in another world (In another world with the Naruto System), that isn't on WN, so we can deny those claims.

So, can we get another ranking for fan-fics, WN? I really feel that that would be a better idea than clustering Fan-fic novels with originals. After all, they aren't originals!

lol this got me thinking of writing naruto fanfic also haha if it was that easy he could do it why cant i lol

    What! something like that happened? I have no idea, I am not surprised though, If they are fans of that original then they should support another original, but that's not happening because they get too stuck in the hype they don't even view the story or characters before showering the power stones at the said product which is rather unfortunate, since there are many diamonds in the rough that are waiting to be discovered. I appeal to web novel staff to please segregate the fanfic and original section as quick as possible.

      I'm also a friend of the wrote-a-fanfic-for-the-lulz author here, coming here with an alternate account of course.

      Thought this claim doesn't have proof? Bitch I'll let you know I have proof.

      Imgur link for the stats

      Imgur link for the graph

      The biggest spike on the collection was straight on the first day.

      As for me I always look at originals because I find fanfics ruin my love for the original story. Plus I don't see the numbers too much because I want to write at my own pace and not have the pressure to speed up the story. That can cause the story to be rushed and turn downhill.

        If you want them collections, fan fictions and system novels get the cream of crop.
        But you know what's even better?
        fan fiction system novels. gasp

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