Tomoyuki wow such long essay
Actually i don't have problem about male/female lead novel as long the storyline not that generic. You say that male lead novel is to generic?yes mybe. The real problem is nowday female lead novel is MORE GENERIC THAN THE MALE LEAD ONE, MORE GENERIC THAN EVER. And they all in TOP 20~30 POWER RANGKING!!!. I not complain because the female MC, what i complain is that they don't deserve that position in the power ranking, because story' wise they don't worth it.
Most is just revolving around a bastardized Ceo who rape a random narrow minded female wich hapen to be MC, dump em, regret that, sudenly change 180 degre, and THE FEMALE MC DUMBLY BELIEVE THAT PIECE OF SHIT CEO IS CHANGE, AND FORGIVE THAT PIECE OF SHIT WHO RAPE THEM, AND FALL IN LOVE WITH THE RAPIST CEO, WTF. And why the female MC forgive them you ask? 10/10 its because the so called CEO is handsome-have hot body-big dicked-last long in bed-deep pocket male human being, thats it. No matter how Bastard they are, doesn't mater how many time they cheat, the female lead WILL always forgive them.
You can change the CEO with another ocupation or whatever, but the rest of the plot ia always the same:
Male rape/forced their love to the female mc>female mc reluctantly accept it>male cheat>male remember how female mc is better>male change>male beg forgiveness>female forgive them>then repeat to part that male cheat part again till the female forgiveness part.
The other type of female novel is about:
"I am woman and i am stronk, male will not born from my wmb, i don't need a puny male cause i am independent, Oh but i still need a dck tho, thats why we create yaoi shit"
And you say that you hate rape in male lead novel while adore that in female lead novel one. While spouting the nonsense about "rape is bad, i hate rape, i love female, i am at their side, i hate other male while i mayself is a male". Wawaweewa, what a double standard view you have.