butterfly_effect yo butterfly! @BawMeaw wanted to connect with you. Did you manage to find each other?
Should I just give up? Plz heeeelp!!!
KimSasha my suggestion would be like this ; if you already have the complete version in your head, and you like, and you want other to read it, and you want to finish it, then you could try to write them all the entire of the story (in word or any other office related app) and after you finish writing the complete version, you could just divide them all into chapters with each chapter content to your liking, and schedule the release of each chapter. That way you dont have a burden of a dateline. The drawback would be the readers must have patients to wait until you complete it all. Do not write to appease your reader (especially if you did not write for money) but write only to your heart content. You just want to have fun, not make yourself more stressful.
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You should take it slow, not too slow as to be labeled a procrastinator, but not too fast that you're getting stressed and stuff.
Do what you feel like doing. 1 chapter a week? Sure, go ahead. 14 chapters a week? If you think you can, then go ahead.
If you are feeling stressed and you want a break from all of this, stop and take a break. Unless you are contracted, you have no obligation to update your novel.
I get stressed out all of the time, you know what I do? I just hop on youtube, play games(Got boring for me, but it's a great stress reliever....for me at least), or I just read.
- If you are dealing with depression/stress of any kind, seek real help -
And yes, you are selfish, but so am I...we all have selfish moments and anyone who says they don't is a liar.
Do what you want to do, when you want to do it and how you want to do it. Unless your novel is actually good, you better be pumping them chapters out otherwise I'll leave extremely negative comments...
Just relax :) breathe in, breathe out...
First thing first: I've read through your story, but I haven't the time to type up things yet. You've not been forgotten.
But I do recommend you find someone (who is more fluent in English) to help you with your sentence constructions. For the most part, it is fine, but once in a while, there are these awkward sentence constructions.
KimSasha Once you pass the 10 mark and get a fanbase you've made it through the hard part. All that's left is to realize the vision you have in your head. When I wrote my first novel I dropped it, I have had 6 attempts and dropped all of them after 2-3 chapters. Only recently was I so focused on a scene I wanted create that I wrote a hundred chapters, 1 chapter a day for 3 months and made my vision real. After that I couldn't write for a long time, and only recently did I get that passion back again. I am going to ride this wave until it ends and hope that it doesn't, you'll regret surrendering to your fears no doubt about that.
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Thank you for your nice comments and advices. After reading them and talking to different people, I came to introspected about what I wanted and how I got to this point. I hadn't seriously thought about a schedule for the release of my outings in my rush. Probably a shortcoming of the competitions for new authors. We are plunged directly into the water without any reference points and if everything goes too well, we start to think to much and lose our heads.
Since we have never had any "fans"; if I can call them like that or people enjoying our work, as soon as we see someone supporting us, we want to do everything to keep them and satisfy them, going up to forgetting why we started: The pleasure of unleashing our imagination with our stories and making our readers dream.
When I spoke with another author, I realized that if a work was good, it would necessarily be well received and followed even if the author only posted one chapter per week. So I should go at my own pace and present my story so that I can be satisfied with it. After all, I also write it for my own personal pleasure.
I'll not delete this topic so that if people find themselves sitting in my situation, I can refer them here.
Thank you again.
Reinesse Thank you. Btw, can I have your discord so I can add you to my friends? Only if you want though ;)
Good luck with your requirements. I have a big project to end for my class for next week too and procrastinating too. Great minds think alike I guess
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KimSasha please, don't stop! I think we've been experiencing the same Reinesse right? As new writers, we tend to be overwhelmed by the expectations thrown at us by the readers or even our own expectations to ourselves.
I was thinking the same way that you did, like Reinesse, too. Probably. Though, unlike you, I didn't have as much readers. Thus, made me uneasy and sad. Considering the fact that we wrote those entries for passion, still there was a part of me, wanting people to at least give my entry a try. (As I know, my entry wasn't as good as others.) I was actually on the verge of dropping my story. I was a bit anxious. Really.
As I've said earlier, please do not stop. You are talented and you have the skills in writing a nice plot and definitely a worthy one. I am looking forward to the time you will complete your novel.
As for me, I still have to improve a LOT.
Let's do our best!
Bibliophile_Anna I'll need your cord too plz If you want. I'll be easier to talk between authors like this.
Ierrech Hii!! Nice to see you here! I hope everything is going well for you. Congrats on winning the contest!! You deserve it :D
Bibliophile_Anna lol, i just clearly read this now. at least yours are objective, mine's not since i'm a little kid in their eyes.
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KimSasha I had just downloaded discord and I have no idea how it works. but I got the same username. bibliophile_anna#6218
Reinesse Things will eventually be okay. You have the skills and the talent. Don't let other people bring you down. I still haven't checked your updated chapters. Let me read them and I'll tell you how great your work is.
add me on discord. Just got mine now. I think it's easier to talk there
Bibliophile_Anna what's your discord?
Ierrech Hello! Mind giving my entry a try? I welcome feedbacks and suggestions that I direly need. By the way, I'm only new in WN.
Bibliophile_Anna check your discord account.