NineLife This one isn't a bad translator actually, but for whatever reason thinks it would be better to censor or remove parts that can offend some people. Well, in my view whoever wants to get offended can get offended all they like. A novel shouldn't be censored just because certain people may or may not get offended. Translator even changed the 'White House' into 'Rainbow Mansion'... I mean seriously wth. Is the translator expecting kindergarteners to read this novel or something?

    N0xiety for me, for a translator to change the authors word as he likes, the translator is a bad one.
    i dont even recognize UA, CIB.. is this even same earth? but then Russia is russia, china is Han.. it is all weird.
    translator didnt bother about IS, Iraq, Syria, so the translator just change the country hes scared? china to han, us to ua? what is he even scared of, the author is clearly not giving a damn about anyone. Why even choose whose to censor, not that they even read the novel. Translator is biased and clearly remove/ change part of authors word. if that isnt a bad translator i dont know what is bad, just grammar?

      NineLife When i said the translator isn't bad, i was thinking more in the line of general translation quality. But you are absolutely right! Btw spotted another sneaky removal by the translator hehe. It seems the author directly used 'Obama' as the US president, but the translator decided to change it directly to just 'president'. Guess it still works in general, but yeahhhhhh..........

      To tell you the truth the translator just hate certain countries or certain communities.he will change anything he doesn't like ,like shit about FBI or USA . Qidian should really do something about it. if he is going to censor some stuff why not censor all of it. Why does he not censor stuff about Syria,Iraq,Russia or New Zealand

        destructor You know i wouldn't mind too much if the translator was only censoring names of nations and organizations, but cutting parts is not acceptable. Since i'm actually using an app to auto correct all of translators censors, i could still work with it to some degree instead of ranting here. I shouldn't need to correct anything in the first place, but yeah that's a workaround i found atleast. It's annoying to add everything into the list, but it's still workable in the end. But when the translator cuts entire paragraphs out, no ammount of app can fix it... Also some words like 'Han' can't be worked with in the auto correction app since the translator uses that same word for both 'China' and 'chinese'...

        Btw how do i summon qidian? Like this?

        Qidian can you guys read my original post? I didn't know how to summon you guys before.

          Olivia Oh will it work since you posted it now? Or should i do it myself?

            No need 2 do it twice, they should've gotten a notification.
            Wait a couple of hours and they will respond(it is currently around 3 am in China)

              It's currently 8am at Qidian. Hope they see this soon

                Haven't read the novel yet but this post cements it for me in not picking it up. That isn't even being politically correct it's straight up destroying the authors works. Translators job should be to translate the work as accurately as possible into another language that flows smoothly but still holds the original meaning and intention of author. Changing perfectly fine names of omitting parts they don't like shouldn't ever be acceptable. If anything @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Should find a new tler and also have that person to go through all current chapters to fix the problem.

                Btw @qidian doesn't work. They changed to webnovel.

                  LtBeefy I have no problem with translators quality and release rate tho. Keeping the translator is fine, but i just want the translator to stop thinking about useless things like people getting offended from what's written in the novel... If someone is going to get offended, they will still get offended nonetheless even with the censor. I just want the TL to concentrate on translating instead of trying to turn the novel into a safe space for everyone. It's practically impossible to turn it into a safe space anyways! People will always find something to get offended at no matter how hard you try! Well, you can even take me for an example, i'm offended that the TL is censoring and cutting parts thinking it would protect peoples feelings haha. That's effectively insulting your readers intelligence! I mean seriously am i supposed to not understand what CIB or UA stand for? This is just so stupid hahaha...

                  Yeah the UA and CIB and all that is no good. Makes it too confusing. There s freedom of speech in the USA just say it haha. The skipping stuff I'm not sure how to interpret. By this point an info dump like that would actually seem strange so the translator might as well stick to what he's doing.

                  Olivia It's been 2 days and still no one official. Guess they don't care...

                    CKtalon So does that mean they are doing something about it? Or do you mean that the translator is informed? Because i really don't want anything else getting censored or cut out of the novel from this point on. You are a translator too and should understand how ridicilous this whole thing is...

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