destructor You know i wouldn't mind too much if the translator was only censoring names of nations and organizations, but cutting parts is not acceptable. Since i'm actually using an app to auto correct all of translators censors, i could still work with it to some degree instead of ranting here. I shouldn't need to correct anything in the first place, but yeah that's a workaround i found atleast. It's annoying to add everything into the list, but it's still workable in the end. But when the translator cuts entire paragraphs out, no ammount of app can fix it... Also some words like 'Han' can't be worked with in the auto correction app since the translator uses that same word for both 'China' and 'chinese'...
Btw how do i summon qidian? Like this?
Qidian can you guys read my original post? I didn't know how to summon you guys before.