Author_Shizu I’m gonna be honest, a lot only add for exp, use only temporary accounts or wait for the chapters to amass. There aren’t many who add the story to their collection to always ben up to date.
I personally have 5 in my collections and I have not touched them since I added them. Not because I don’t like them. I love them, which i am why I added them. But I either wait for them to get more chaps or only wanted to show my support.
Adding stories to libraries make them easily accessible as you can see what chap they’d are in without clicking.
So best is if you take these collection numbers as Likes, rather than traffic.

I deeply admired the author who can keep writing and updating his novel regularly, even his/her collections are not increasing at faster rate compare to others. As long you enjoy writing your story, keep going. As long you have one reason to keep going, just keep going! Others factors are just nuisance, they will drag you slow from attaining your goal. Remember "Rome is not built in one day"

If you keep going you might be surprised what's waiting at the end of the rainbow. If you stop in the middle, you will never know...

Take care all.

    AerynSun I can personally say that this is true, except for me it’s more like

    Welp I gotta write a few terrible chapter and then pop out that one good chapter once every year (and I haven’t even been writing for a year!)πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜–πŸ˜–

    Although you must admit writing too chapters a day is also quite impressive in its own way even if the chapters aren’t that great

      UnjustlyUnderpaid Twice a day is crazy impressive because I'm already dying with managing one a day.

      Maybe I'm a bit of a purist but I'd like to think that I prefer to craft out the perfect chapter in a week, rather than release two a day filled with errors and sentences that are not well thought through.

      Sometimes when I read through my chapters and see the typos and grammatical mistakes, it makes me cringe and want to hide under my blanket. 😭😭😭


      Hahahahaha, don't be embarrassed...mine is the worst of all...

      25 collections...9,791 views....10 chapters...13k words counts...Because of embarrassment...I choose not to include the link of my story here, hahaha, but am having fun with my I will continue my fun...nothing else matters.

        I wholeheartedly agree frnd. This conversation was like a thorn to me to see everyone popping crazy numbers in thousands.... I only hope that one day people will atleast think about my novel once in their lifetime...... Maybe thats pushing it tooo much.....

        I only hope to write a chapter in two to three days so that I cansatisfy my meagre readers.... And not make them run away...

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