BattleLord as Jeffrey said, it gets loads better later on and I have to agree that's why I mtl the raws my self ..not as good as a real tl, but good enough of to get what happens to them and where they visit etc .. but if I know Chinese I'd be happier as i wouldn't have to go thru the nightmare of gender terms plus a few other things..but the nightmares worth it
versatile mage
BattleLord btw the insanity of it all is that GT is 90% owned by QI . this was why in the past i asked for qi to take it back
Ok, I am new here on webnovel and GravityTales. I bought copies of RSSG on Amazon and followed them to GT, then followed RSSG to webnovel. This all since October so I am a virgin so treat me tenderly when you explain what and how QI relates.
god what is happening 258 is now out on gt but still no qi update
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BattleLord you really need to read the "mega" qi post on it will be a bit confusing, but it a tale well worth read about a cn company that promised a land of milk and honey with free reading for all and without trying it upset a whole community as it had no clue that trying to crush companies , slave contracts would hugely backfire and managing to do it by backing out on rights deals and primroses I could go on but I feel depressed thinking about all the lying
Quote,"It really made Mo Fan regret that he didn’t properly bang her back then. Once the rice had been cooked, who would then care about the bullcrap from Mu Zhuoyun?". Wow, I can't believe Mo Fan has such disrespectful thoughts, its like the love of his life is just a tool to aid in masterbation.
Also why does Mu Ningxue’s body give off an aura of frost that creates a fog around her and Mo Fan doesn't even have a rosy glow, give off static shocks, or have a shadow that moves eerily on its own. All he has to show for his four elements is dog breath. <snicker>
The phrase is popular in china,but english there is no such phrase i think
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BattleLord not going to talk about the 1st comment fully, but it is used a hell of a lot and other comments in the same vein, but the second one will be known later on and is important, also only of you joke mo fan comments may not be some much of a joke after chapter 2100-ish,
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Mo_Fan_Magic_God yeah there is it's almost the same as a bun in the oven also there are a few others depending from were in the world you come from
Pizz OMG are you telling me Mo Fan gets Mu Ningxue pregnant! I feel he still loves her at this point in the novel but that is so not Mo Fan ATM.
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BattleLord lol no I was just pointing out the other type of western comments,
I could have said she's a bike that likes to ride etc or other things like "put your feet under her rug" "horizontal refreshment" etc etc .... ( plus some which would have gotten me banned hehe)
no, she's not you don't need to worry about that YET haha ..:)
rem a lot of slang may mean the same or different things in different places in the world like I don't know where you from so, some comments may be different to you them for me
I didn't think Chinese girls did the horizontal bop before they are married. Do they not consider their madenhood sacred? Western girls tend to give it up pretty early due to the internet teaching sex education on porn sites. I often shake my head when parents don't want the schools to provide a detailed sexual education class.
BattleLord everyone in the world does it, don't be blinded by "fake" culture idea's from anywhere, like your comment about western girls I can say is wrong for a fact as I live in the UK life and love ...some will and some will not, no matter the culture at the end of the day and that's a fact I can 100% say as I've been there
Hoot, we just had the first update of 2019 on webnovel. We might be active again.
Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue are never going to make it as a couple, they totally lack communication skills. He nods at her, she glances at him... they have not seen each other since the fall of Bo City and this is how lovers greet? The author has a lot of work to do if these two ever are going to have sex, let alone share a cup of tea together.
The truth is they are couple and they have sex already
Mo_Fan_Magic_God yeah but that's well, later on, don't give away to much unless
hes in our fb thing
BattleLord rem my comment about that second question, you needed to what abit to find out why, don't worry the author does build it up , and a lot of other things, this is why Jeff and myself talked about world building and other stuff :)
Mo_Fan_Magic_God wait, when did they have a chance to have sex, and did she get pregnant?
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BattleLord dude, don't worry your about 2300 chapters behind plus were both Jeff and myself are, as he reads the Chinese release, and I read it but have to mlt it for myself, don't try to jump ahead as there is a hell of a lot of stuff that needs to even happen before a lot of other stuff doses, so for your own good just get that out your head and deal with all the other stuff 1st :)