Pizz so Pizz I followed your suggestion to pop over to Gravity Tales and get my Versatile Mage fix. Low and behold I was disappointed by the authors bad mouthing of Mo Fan yet again. So I copied my post their to here to solicit your opinion on my pet peeve with Chinese writers.
"I agree with Starfox the writing style is repetitive and seems weak to readers of more mature authors. It's design of making the hero always seem like the underdog to seek an emotional response and connection with the readers works the first time it is used, but after the audience knows the main character is a powerhouse then other methods should be employed. The weak plot of using a lover in danger is one such tool. The death of a dear and close friend (used last major battle), is another.
I recommend the better writing style of giving Mo Fan a personality and depth of character and let him struggle with internal conflicts like we all do everyday. Then he does not have to be artificially villainized every fight to ellisit a connection with the readers. Why not simplify have him struggling with how to defeat these guys without harming them or revealing too many secrets. Kind of like Clark Kent always struggling behind a pair of glasses."