Well the weekend is over, are they taking a holiday until the Chinese New Year? I noticed that the posts dropped off when the comic books started, is it just me thinking conspiracy to get us interested in the comic books money stream for webnovel? Normally a business would be all over the loss of revenue unless they were behind it. Versatile Mage is now two weeks behind, KoG is a week behind after providing a post two days ago. Something weird is going on.
versatile mage
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well, there are 2 new releases of QF/VM on GT but not here ...and this is after a +10 day wait for no info ..unless it seems you join his ie the tl'ers discord and I have no wish as I have about 50 + more important ones to real scan teams/fansubbers/ TL'er's / games and ofc Webnovels plus other official release web sites the idea of duel hosting of this novel is a joke and a huge loss of money to QI as there are readers that want this novel at a fair and honest release's ...this is a really really bad joke and it seems no one wishes to save face by fixing and dealing this problem
And we only can express our frustration on the comment section but nothing will change,feel so useless
Pizz so Pizz I followed your suggestion to pop over to Gravity Tales and get my Versatile Mage fix. Low and behold I was disappointed by the authors bad mouthing of Mo Fan yet again. So I copied my post their to here to solicit your opinion on my pet peeve with Chinese writers.
"I agree with Starfox the writing style is repetitive and seems weak to readers of more mature authors. It's design of making the hero always seem like the underdog to seek an emotional response and connection with the readers works the first time it is used, but after the audience knows the main character is a powerhouse then other methods should be employed. The weak plot of using a lover in danger is one such tool. The death of a dear and close friend (used last major battle), is another.
I recommend the better writing style of giving Mo Fan a personality and depth of character and let him struggle with internal conflicts like we all do everyday. Then he does not have to be artificially villainized every fight to ellisit a connection with the readers. Why not simplify have him struggling with how to defeat these guys without harming them or revealing too many secrets. Kind of like Clark Kent always struggling behind a pair of glasses."
BattleLord yeah the guys always been like this, i think it was May last year, (ish) but unless I use web archive or google cache to check the 1st release, as I've posted before it was promised 45+ chapters a month, with maybe 10 if lucky in a month, then I made a post called versatile mage left to rot in here, pointing out how much of a joke it was that we had never got that and he had taken money and cash was sitting for 3-4 novel just sitting their ...after a month they replaced the main page to 7 chapters a week ...turns out 3-5 in 14 days some weeks as someone else pointed out in the gt comments ,
the whole thing is a joke as he just drops the novel for exams ( ok I can understand that, but you should know well in advance if you had exams coming up ...or he just drop it all and left to go on holiday with no warning )
this is why I give up and tl'ed it myself ok it is not great but its about 50% better than the basic raw lmntl.com release I partly base it on as I use word 2013 + Grammarly to check spelling and other bits,
ok due to the amount of time I have slowly built up a custom dictionary to work with both
but as jeff and myself have chat here and other places I still miss some epic bits due to the spelling/ word problems etc, but I look at it this way, it better than have nothing to read at this rate,
I mean we're 257 tl'd out of 2648 (The forest of maple tree fire ) today release we're only 2391 behind and growing where I believe we should be at about 400-500+ if the real release that was 1st promised
BattleLord students like to do all these kinds of things,badmouthing is one of them
Pizz you guys should get the job as the Versatile Mage translator. It seems odd that Gravity Tales is posting updates and Webnovel isn't. What's up with that do you think, have they decided to return to GT?
Mo_Fan_Magic_God Bad writing in this style is even worse if it is done to promote a bad example among young impressionable people. Authors are both leaders and teachers and should hold themselves to the best examples they can. What is China growing into if this is a sample of the way they encourage their readers?
BattleLord actually this type of writing suit chinese preference and similar to their lifestyle,such as western ppl like to provoke others and have fight frequently especially boxing and sports competition,however this book educate ppl too but you will find it out later,too few chapters now to cover all of these things
I love how Mo Fan cares about his sister, his father, his first love, his few friends and and his Wolf . These are qualities the author could capitalize on. Personally I think Mo Fan is one paycheque away from being a bad guy. His main motivation is resources to get stronger, even if that means taking everyone else's resources like he did at school. The Black Vatican could have him and the Spring for a fraction of the cost and effort to destroy Bo City.
Mo Fan needs to struggle more than just physically to be a true hero. Villains are people who didn't struggle hard enough and gave into temptation. A great writer would have made many attempts by the villains to lure Mo Fan to their way of thinking. Threatening him, and his friends and family have not worked but I bet they will continue to repeat these failures. At the very least try to discredit Mo Fan to isolate him from any support, make him a criminal and hunted for murder or being a member of their organization.
Mo Fan should be an easy person to frame for a crime with his history and the numbers of students and influential people willing to speak against him. Hell the numbers speaking against him on his own team show how easy it would be to make the world believe he is a monster.
BattleLord as Jeffrey said, it gets loads better later on and I have to agree that's why I mtl the raws my self ..not as good as a real tl, but good enough of to get what happens to them and where they visit etc .. but if I know Chinese I'd be happier as i wouldn't have to go thru the nightmare of gender terms plus a few other things..but the nightmares worth it
BattleLord btw the insanity of it all is that GT is 90% owned by QI . this was why in the past i asked for qi to take it back
Ok, I am new here on webnovel and GravityTales. I bought copies of RSSG on Amazon and followed them to GT, then followed RSSG to webnovel. This all since October so I am a virgin so treat me tenderly when you explain what and how QI relates.
god what is happening 258 is now out on gt but still no qi update
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BattleLord you really need to read the "mega" qi post on www.novelupdates.com it will be a bit confusing, but it a tale well worth read about a cn company that promised a land of milk and honey with free reading for all and without trying it upset a whole community as it had no clue that trying to crush companies , slave contracts would hugely backfire and managing to do it by backing out on rights deals and primroses I could go on but I feel depressed thinking about all the lying
Quote,"It really made Mo Fan regret that he didnât properly bang her back then. Once the rice had been cooked, who would then care about the bullcrap from Mu Zhuoyun?". Wow, I can't believe Mo Fan has such disrespectful thoughts, its like the love of his life is just a tool to aid in masterbation.
Also why does Mu Ningxueâs body give off an aura of frost that creates a fog around her and Mo Fan doesn't even have a rosy glow, give off static shocks, or have a shadow that moves eerily on its own. All he has to show for his four elements is dog breath. <snicker>
The phrase is popular in china,but english there is no such phrase i think
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BattleLord not going to talk about the 1st comment fully, but it is used a hell of a lot and other comments in the same vein, but the second one will be known later on and is important, also only of you joke mo fan comments may not be some much of a joke after chapter 2100-ish,
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Mo_Fan_Magic_God yeah there is it's almost the same as a bun in the oven also there are a few others depending from were in the world you come from
Pizz OMG are you telling me Mo Fan gets Mu Ningxue pregnant! I feel he still loves her at this point in the novel but that is so not Mo Fan ATM.