My problem with them is all rules I have to remember.
"System" Books
WorstNameEver Noted, thanks for this. I'm having a bit of trouble liking the male lead candidates for some reason, and I'm reluctant to step into their shoes to try and understand them better. I think the reason is what you said about perspectives. I'll keep that in mind too, thanks :)
I think most of us enjoy systems the first few times. Then we get sick/overloaded with them. I tried writing a system novel once, but the system crowd is very hard to please. I don't recommend it >.>
I like system books the most. If you don't like them, no one force you to read
Yeah, as an author you need to be able to truly step into the perspective of the characters, their mind.
Usually, this is where what people called the raw talent of writing lays, in the ability of the author to imagine and immerse themselves in the world they create.
This is why writing is often spontaneous if the author hasn't trained themselves to write even if they are not in the mood.
Writing is a very strange thing, mentally, emotionally and imaginatively taxing; the satisfaction when you finish a chapter you are happy with is amazing and relieving.
Writers pull everything they experience, think, feel and even believe into what they write; so if there is a character you don't like or have trouble writing, it simply means that as a person that character doesn't appeal to you.
WorstNameEver finally, someone with the right mind....
So tired of those system based novels, i think 70% of total Originals are system novels, which is sucks...
It's actually a pretty popular opinion these days. The system genre is nowhere near as popular anymore. I'm glad my novel doesn't have a system in it. They're a pain to write >.>
mhmm. I mean, system based novels CAN be good but it is rare to find a well done one. There are only a couple I know particularly well that have a system that works well.
Legend of the Empyrean Blacksmith - System is not the main part and levels are basically just showing the progression of someone's cultivation.
Storm Caller: The New Era - VRMMORPG kinda based thing that is a really cool idea..... unfortunately, the author has been on a hiatus for like 2 months.
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yeah, I hate them with literally less than 4 exceptions. But those few exceptions either have a cool premise and/or system is merely for progression and showing quality of weapons (e.g. what they can do which is usually just wrote about during combat in a non-system book).
I mean, an example of system novels' potential can be shown in Legend of the Empyrean Blacksmith where the Empyrean Writ (cultivation technique that does have a system-esc format) does have a system kinda format with requirements to get rewards from but also actually has a personality and goals. It is not some mindless AI, it is a soul so to speak, one of the main progressors of the plot and also is used as a major source of worldbuilding.
Plus the book itself is kind of sick due to the way it is written and its themes. :P
EDIT: I know I was hating on these novels earlier, but that is mainly because the ones you do see are shit or rip-offs of The Strongest System which was a shit book anyway. The Strongest System is the system version of Eastern Fantasy's Martial God Asura (being honest here lol)
It's a lot more convenient to just put a system in then they don't have to come with their own plot and powers and it's more accepted instead of all the people who get off on making fun of other peoples original ideas for ways to make their main character more powerful. If you guys want system novels to get their own genre then I definitely agree but you shouldn't hate on them too much since it just turns into the same thing that's happening to the original idea people.
It's an easy way to present information to the readers in the begining of the story , sinse almost all of them come with a game like display of skills . My problem begings when stats go above a sertain number and loose all meaning
For examle in MC has 1974 in strength , I'm not gonna even read the numbers after 1 .
But in the beging of the story it's actually real convinient to have a well structured system ,and the key word here is well structured
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I'm going to write a system novel, about trolling... thanks for the motivation!
Wait here is a better idea...
WorstNameEver take a look here:!ApVsHxMkVn6qqLgqkMIIa-TjbJGjJA
The authors are the onews that can and must set their parameters in this section.
Webnovel foesnt bother with the originals, only if they are non-fanfic because they may exort the author to become premium, or if a 17+ book was placed in a children section, or the apearance of racicism, or etc.
You must post this kind of things in their coments or the author discord group.
Not many are checking out this blog
WorstNameEver well ofc there are good system novels, i read them too... but the thing is, there are too many shitty system novels lately. And it sucks bcs i noticed every system novel is quite similar (faceslapping, revenge, jade like beauty, etc), i feel like i'm out of choice when searching for new novel to read
Don't be discouraged just because of several bad books. They can't represent the genre as a whole. There's still a lot of good system books that are not translated yet.
yeah, that's what puts me off of system novels so much. The only exception is:
Name: Legend of the Empyrean Blacksmith
Author: beddedOtaku
Genre: Fantasy (/Eastern Fantasy)
I think the problem with most System books is they just appear and are never explained.
This is sort of self-promotion (it totally is) but I'm writing a system novel myself. Now the main character of the story is a programmer, and he's making the system himself, slowly adding new functions as time pass. Maybe this will interest you more?
tsukkin try mine for a change of pace
Title: I Hate Systems
This 'System' thing is began to appear after the great success of manhwa called 'The Gamer' because it's the first story to have a RPG System in real life, after that many peoples create a story that consist with the 'System' just to make their story more interesting
Please can someone explain to me what exactly "system" means because im writing a story and idk what to put in the tags ︵‿︵(´ ͡༎ຶ ͜ʖ ͡༎ຶ `)︵‿︵