XOMatsumaeohana heehee, master im reading it using my other acc coz i cant keep up with their month end "massive" release....
FMHM will Mass Release To The End!!!
_Chanyeol_ yepyepyep...im in...but im using my other acc coz their mass release is really massive im drowning i cant keep up with ss heehee
Ronee know what other reason to be sad about the ending is??... its the comment section....how fun the comment sec are specially when somthing big happens...we will miss that after this novel ends...
Thank you translators for your dedication to the story! It is so bittersweet for it to end, but we enjoyed the journey.
jenniferangeles Have you been commenting? What's your other account username?
So ...I wonder how many people will try to remove me from the top 3 just to get the prizes..
Better do some serious dedication for FMHM before I get dethroned
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EsteemedBun We should be worried about keeping our top 2 spot till the end.
Loads of people will target the top 3 spot..
my feelings are a bit complicated, i love this novel so much (my favorite), so i want to know how it ends, but then what will i do with my life sad
I guess that means no reading any other novels for now to save on Spirit Stones .
What do I read now.. T_T (Trial Marriage is getting kinda boring..) What else is good?
Sheriff_K My youth began with him I like it better than FMHM
XOMatsumaeohana That's about young people though, no?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Do we have the chance to make it into the top 500 until the 2nd January to be able to win the Little Bun badge?
CathyNguyen377 if you keep sending gifts yeah. What's your current rank?
Sheriff_K Eh? It's just a romance like FMHM. What's more has a older audience fan base.
some people who read are like 30+
Is the regular schedule active until 30th and the mass release?
Dudu_the_3rd should be
XOMatsumaeohana jenniferlagoc,the one with the bunny face heehee
Sheriff_K may i suggest "my youth begans with him"??? Its good too with a five chaps a day and month end month release are way too many