I doubt they'd ever eliminate free SS entirely. Doesn't the parent site Qidian still give free SS (or whatever the equivalent is) to their readers? I imagine Webnovel's decisions will always mirror that site.
Qidian will make spirit stones buyable only.
And that's surprising because?
Today I got 20exp instead of any spirit stones :(
I have seen this site born and now im waiting for its death.
I told ya since the begning that premium shit would end it all, but they told 'man, they got to earn some money or they can't live, event if the translation comunity existed for more than 20 years without that premium shit, its dont mean Qidian can, now pay for you SS".
Also, there a lot of places out there to read for free. Seek Knowlodge cos my english is terrible.
- Edited
Did it really? :o
The Daily drawing still gives me SS.
Maybe because I’m a premium member?
...if paying just $1 once makes me a premium member I’m glad I did so, no doubt about it xp
geenval Today I got 20exp instead of any spirit stones :(
I got 2 Power Stones today.
Yeah a $10 a month subscription service, read as much as you can, and I'd be right there.
Wildy monthly sub sounds like a good idea
This update sucks for poot readers like me who depends on the Invites to earn some SS from 99 for 1 acc. To 102 for 2 acc.
jyuudi it gave me ss yesterday, and power stones today. I've probably put at least 20 dollars into buying ss so it's definitely not a premium thing
Odd, I'm still getting about 9 ss like normal from the daily check-in. But it is possible that I live in a time dilation that makes my today everybody else's yesterday. looks around So, how about some stock tips? (just kidding)
Also received only 20 XP today.
I did not get SS for checking in today either. Not liking this new system / "bug" / whatever else they might be calling this.
Well, spirit stones aren't worth buying at the moment since quidian re-locks chapters after they fall off your visible history.
The recent changes in spirit stones given out show 2 things. 1, quidian no longer is focusing on growing their reader base. Amd 2, quidian.is now shifting to trying to force money out of its current users. With chapter prices from 12-17 a chapter, and only being garanteed 10 from the votes, there will soon be days where users cant read any of their current reading list without spending money b
I have been on this app for over a year yet my history only covers the last 6 months. So no I can't get a screenshot showing how I paid to unlock.something 8 months ago.
Once Strongest System ( the only noves i read here) finishes I'm out. Only reason I'm still here is because of awesome translator of that novel. this site is a cancer for the community. You can easily find sites that repost their novels elsewhere
Are you a man or woman with great taste?
Then read my new novel, with daily chapters and more than 1300 words, some Grammar mistakes in first three chapters.
Dungeon Life - A Pervert's Dream (DLPD)
KuhakuORIGIN i'm so pissed at the friend invite thing!! we used to get 100SS for succesful invites which are super hard since not all your friends are chinese webnovel addicts and willing to make an account! and now we get HALF THAT for the SAME TROUBLE!! plz qidian at least leave friend invites at 100SS
Cant really complain its been free shit ever since this site appeared. Honestly if theyd just put all novels behind paywalls which could be unlocked with 5$/monthly sub that would be for the best. I would be 100% willing to pay couple bucks just to read novels in their original site.
Could even go as far as to keep the free plebstones to lure readers in; maybe distribute just enough to keep 1 premium novel afloat with the free stones somehow so when they want another novel to read would need to pay the couple bucks.
Even adapting system like forum currency with the free stones would be possible and would probably end up only further expanding this community which would play right into their hands.
sometimes sign in and video watching just straight up gives you nothing despite it saying you got some ss. Does this company even understand economics... oh right they are communists. They cant understand shit snd only care about taking money away from those that have it.