And black backgrounds is perma on for me, day or night mode. And everyone loads slower.

- Oct 18, 2023
- Joined May 13, 2018
- In font changes
So for 24 hours now I've been getting a "between issue" on claiming my 1000 token spent reward. This is kinda a big thing since the week resets in just under 2 hours.
Up to over 3 years now of daily check in. Still no consecutive check in bonus past the first 6 months. They could just have wrapped it back to month 1 again. chuckles
They changed fast pass value. It's now 1Fp = 10 coins, or part there-off. So 1-10 coins = 1Fp. 2-20=2 etc
So all those standard 25 coin comic chapters, even the super short ones, are now 3FP a chapter.
Guess I'm about to drop a lot of comics and books.
- Edited
They've devalued fast passes too. They are now variable coins value, or part there-off. A 14 coin unlock is 1 pass, but an 15 coin unlock will cost you 2 passes. Same with 24 ticking over to 25 (note the inconsistent value, it's not 28-29). So all those 25 coin comics (most of them) are 3 fast passes per chapter, when they used to be 1.
In that respect fast passes have been devalued by a 67%. or so.
And then they give out novel specifically passes, to novels that don't let you use FP on them.
- In Reward FP
This person does nothing but spam a scam sight, and has had their account 2-3 months doing this.
There is no response option on the forum.
Does this site not even have a mid anymore? And half the time those are the novels they give your "single book fast passes" to right?
The ones where you can ONLY buy the entire book? (Often at some 80% off special).- In Reward FP
Do you think maybe you could stop giving reward FP for actions to books that don't let you use it. And the books only option is to spend 9k+ coins to buy the whole book at once, not even chapter by chapter?
Still waiting. Up above 800 now.
One person's NSFW is another's fashion weekly?
Every comics has this issue, you're either scrolling or reading and it sends you back 1-5 chapters, or you load up a comic that you were up to date for but now has new chapters, and when you scroll down from previously read, it is showing you chapter 1 again.
It's been a recurring problem for a few years now, but EB doesn't give a shit.
Chapter 35 of this comic is just a repost if chapter 34. Which you have to pay to unlock.
Due to this I am unsure if there is missing material between 34 and 36.Extra embarrassing when it's the recommended comic for one of your event promotions. I'd suggest fixing it asap.
Posting here as I've noticed your email for mistakes in comics has stopped responding. Probably unhappy with having different issues sent in for different comics every few hours?
- In Forum issues
You realise it's practically impossible to use this forum on a phone atm right?
You need to sort through 7 pages of spam per authentic post.
Whoever your forum moderators, who should have the power to suspend and delete all from particular accounts are, they're not doing their job.
MonsterUnderTheBed I think sometimes it gets toggled in an app update.
Quidian, more cash for less quality. That's the company motto.
To much attention paid to events and feel good notifications, not enough to a decent presentation and management of their core product.
Go into a book, pull up the menu, there are two tabs at the top, general and display. If the only display option you are seeing us night mode than you are on general, tap on Display. You should now see an option to slide brightness, or tie it to phone default display
I know what you mean. When it first started I was getting push notifications at 3am in the morning that someone I don't know had given a prize/cash/whatever to a novel I wasn't interested in. Made me turn off notifications for the app entirely.
But mis-management of customer interaction is just par for the course for these guys really.
They really need a way to report posts and accounts for crap like this. It'd make cleanup a lot easier if they just deleted the entire accounts.